Tuesday, August 21, 2012

xx yy xy

Good Morning!  I hope you are all feeling absolutely yummy.  The topic for my post today is this very strong synthesis that I sense is arising between the masculine and feminine.  This is happening in three distinct ways as far as I can determine.  The first is a movement toward androgyny in a very popular sense.  The second is men and women actually releasing some of the old paradigm restrictions of what a relationship should look like.  And finally I am also picking up on this sort of reclaiming of the divine feminine and masculine in a very non-threatening and balanced way.

I first started notching the androgyny thing months ago.  Of course I live in New York City and people are allowed to be "out" here.  However I saw it on my travels to more remote regions of the US and it immediately caught my attention.  I see more and more women in men's clothing and more and more men in women's clothing than I have ever seen this lifetime. Especially among younger people.  I personally find this to be a very constructive and positive way of expressing aspects of the other sex in a creative, joyful, and explorative way.  And particularly for people who work at jobs that might cut them off a bit from creative expressing, why not let the fabric become a flight of fancy?

Another ascension phenomenon is the sudden dissolution of old relationships. We'll address that later.  In some cases, this is followed by an immediate desire to unite with an individual of the same sex.  I personally think that this is great, and the galactics tell us that elsewhere in the universe the concept of love is unbound both in terms of partners but also in the interaction with intimate partners.  There is no sense of ownership, although a committed partnership is highly revered and respected, and there is great freedom and joy to experience intimacy between two individuals.  I think this kind of exploration is an important aspect of our evolution in the sense that it provides us with an expanded awareness and acceptance on the possibilities of partnerships.  This seems to be happening for two reasons, people are definitely accepting more sexual freedom on a conscious level despite not knowing what is driving that freedom and other people are addressing a masculine or feminine deficit which requires attention.  Filling this deficit could be as simple finding a healing experience in union with members of the same sex.  How amazing that we are okay with taking what we need!

So many emerging groups are focused on the awakening of the divine feminine and the return of the goddess.  I agree that it is a very exciting time to experience female energy in such an empowered and yet accepting way.  What I think is equally important, however, is the reemerging of the divine masculine. A masculinity that is not competitive or threatened by sharing space or spirit with others.  I am certain that you have all been catching this vibe... yes?   It's only when we begin to break down the barriers of what interaction is appropriate between xx and yy or xy, that we will begin to experience very profound intimacy with members of the same or opposite sex, this intimacy can be sexual or not.  Your friendships and family relationships deepen and perhaps you will notice that what were once prominent tendencies in expressing the male or female aspect of ourselves are no longer necessary.  The whole point of evolution at the scale that we are dealing with right now is to find a balance between polarities or extremes.  While the idea of the fierce goddess certainly resonates with the part of my ego that has been repressed by the malian military industrial complex that has been imposed on all of our lives for far too long, my high heart sings the psalm of freedom from all of those old restrictions and rules.  Our earth is asking for balance and I invite you to listen and take action.  During my Reiki training I experienced the most beautiful example of this blossoming.  We were honored with a concert given my Snatam Kaur and so many different young men and women began dancing with joy. It was an ecstatic dancing that flowed outwardly and had no name or sense of self awareness.  I saw men dancing with men and women dancing with women.  Most pairs were straight and some were gay but they were all so obviously and genuinely happy.  What a delight!

I encourage you to share your story with the community and to take note of the rising energy.

Sat Nam!



  1. I think the movement post-feminism will certainly be towards social and cultural androgyny, though this comes with a certain amount of hesitancy manifesting in the exaggerated polarity of the sexes. These exaggerations seem clunky and out of date to me and I look forward to a time where these things don't need to be so defined, when it's easier to just be who you be :)

  2. Absolutely, it seems like a natural progression. Thank you!
