Friday, August 17, 2012

A thing called Love

Hi Beauties!

Reiki Master Training was AMAZING.  I have so many treats to share with you from my experience in the Attunement.  This is a quick post because I am physically and energetically wiped out from my beautiful week at summer camp :) and I want to be in a space with the new moon tonight.

I want to quickly touch on something that may not seem mystical on the surface but is actually one of the most mystical pursuits that you can follow on the path of mastery: LOVE.

I know that many of you are surfing the waves of energy that are flooding the earth right now, I also recognize that some of you are hurting and that some of you are confused.  I want to emphasize to all of you that our most important practice on this earth at this moment in human evolution is the practice of love.

Try and let yourself imagine love as a photograph.  As an object, a photograph is a simple flat plane on the outside but when you look into the photograph you sense more, a moment, a memory, an energy even.  Looking at the picture you may see people or a landscape, whatever it is you immediately recognize the dynamism of that photo- we understand that it captures the 3-dimensional world that we live in, moving the object from a one dimensional object to a 3-dimensional object or presence.  And then consider the fact that when we capture a photo we do so with the intent of extracting the memory of that moment we were alive in so there is suddenly another dimension, the dimension that we emote in.  The emotions are not something that can be seen on the surface, sometimes the emotion of the person capturing the photo is different than the beingness of the object captured.  This adds yet another dimension.  The dimension of the occupation of different possibilities coming from different experiences and different people.  The photo takes a new life.

Allow your path to love to exist on many dimensions.  Allow it to transform you, to guide you, to polish you and feed you.  Allow it to be honest with you and then allow it to hold you when the honesty hurts.  We are being given a most extraordinary opportunity to expand the way we understand love.  May it envelope you and my you shine it out onto others.

I love you all!


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