Lately I have been acknowledging my connection to the elements in a profound way. This connection helps me as I move throughout my day. I find that when I ground myself to the elemental energy first thing in the morning, it sets the tone for the day. I am lucky that despite the fact that I live in New York I have a garden and this affords me a fantastic opportunity to reach out to the earth. Sure, my garden isn't big but every last centimeter rings with the glory of creation. When I planted this garden with my husband in July I had the intention that it would serve as a kind of sanctuary for the energy I wish to invite to the earth to help her through this transition. I imagined in the center of my heart the world that I wish the most to live in, a world where there is no poverty, no hunger, where people are free to love one another, a world without the ravage of unnecessary violence, a world with no discrimination, a world of great creativity, music, laughter and passion. A wide world where people are safe to be who and what they are. And moving from the center of my heart I called upon the help of the elemental forces, the faerie kingdom and the Ascended Masters Epona and Green Man to help me build a garden for this energy to flourish in. This is when I kind of started working with the elementals*. The air elementals are known as Sylphs, the water elements as Undines, the fire elementals are Salamanders and the earth ones are Gnomes. I am no stranger to elements and I have spoken before on this blog about the Maha Bhutas or the great elements. What my lineage of yoga from ISHTA has helped me to recognize is that as individuals we are all comprised of the same of the same exact stuff. And I mean this more than just, "we're all made of the same stuff"... I mean on a subatomic and molecular level we are literally 99% identical to not only one another but every other living thing in the universe (or multiverse, as it so happens). We are made of the same stuff as stars are made of, sure the recipe was a little different but it is nonetheless astounding.
So coming from this recognition of unity I have been practicing Elemental Prayer. When I enter the train for my morning commute I connect deeply with my breath. I ask my guides, the Ascended Masters, the Archangel Covenant and all of the Guardians of the Light to help me clear my energy of any frequency that doesn't resonate with love and unity consciousness. I give this a few moments and when I begin to feel lighter I begin to connect to the elementals of the train car, after all it is made of the same basic elements that I am made of, that we are all made of. In connecting with the elementals of the train I create a field of energy utilizing the clean energy that I have just established in my self. In this field I ask that each molecule be attuned to the frequency of love, stability and safety. That each molecule become a blessing and that as people pass in and out of the train cars throughout the day, that they become blessed by a subtle sense of love, stability and safety. Beyond that I ask that as individuals enter or exit the train that by virtue of being alive that they may also recognize their own connection the elementals, even their soul self- it doesn't have to be conscious, and that they become as a blessing to everyone that they come into contact with during the day. That as they receive this blessing they can also offer love, stability and safety on an energetic level and that this be as a wave or breeze or flame gently moving outward in all directions.
I have noticed, consciously, the energy in the subway car soften as I practice this prayer. I often wonder, if we all used our powerful ability to direct energy by connecting with it, what wonderful effect we could color the experience of human life with.
Stay beautiful, stay shining,
More about elementals:
I pray before I get on the train too! I always bless the car I get on and ask to get where I'm going safely.