Numbers have always played a significant part in my life. Now especially, but particularly in my young years. I found that I had an unexplainable affinity to the number 17, and also to 11, 11:11, 11:17, 7, and 71. I somehow observed these number as one would observe a holy place. Sure, they were my "lucky" number, but beyond that there was an energy, an opportunity to be transported even.

About 9 months ago the number 33 began appearing to me, I lived at 33 Canal St, I would look at the clock and it would be 3:33, The first two numbers of my birth certificate are 33. Gazing outside of the window, I see the number 133. At some point I began to notice that these numbers were presenting themselves to me constantly, I would never look up and see a 64, a 25, or a 6. Now 11 is surfacing in my life with a vengeance. A sweet vengeance, but it's making itself known nonetheless. It also happens to be my life path number. For about a month and a half I would awaken each hour at night and gaze at the clock, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55. Sufficed to say that I came out of the other end of sleep feeling unrested, but I could also sense that something larger than me was happening, a presence that wanted itself to be known and more than that, accepted.

Doreen Virtue speaks about numbers quite a lot. She suggests that numbers that appear to us repeatedly are somehow related to a specific angel trying to communicate with us. Whether it is an angel that would like us to know that it's there or whether the angel holds a message that it is using the resonance of the number to communicate with us is probably something that only the individual can be certain of.
What numbers come up for you?

I recognize that for a perfectly rational human person that likes to classify and qualify everything within their "scientific" way of understanding, the idea of looking at numbers and actually thinking that they may somehow seem significant may seem laughable. Odd would be the very suggestion that on the other end of the number there is a presence, angelic at that, that is looking to communicate with you. A few weeks ago I wrote about reading a message from the center of your heart, that by tuning in to your breath and the feeling that comes in to your heartspace it becomes possible to distinguish what the truth is for you. Some things will resonate for some people and not for others. How gorgeous that we live in a dimension of such vibrant diversity.
Some other folks from the school of practical thought might also suggest that when one spends their time looking for significance in every detail of the world they interact with, they are likely to find what they're looking for. Some people might call it God, myself included. I find God in all things these days. The point is that we create our experience and have the option to navigate toward meaning or structure, or hopefully a compromise of the two.
So yeah, it's 2:17 and I am signing off.
Learn more about numbers, start with 11:
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