Monday, September 3, 2012

Illuminati Basic Training

A little over 11 years ago I began working for a very peculiar man.  It was certainly destined that I should end up living in the same town as him and working at the restaurant he frequented and serving his table.  The night I met him (again) I dreamt that he was standing in a fire but not being burned. Many years later I came to realize that a joke he made in passing was intended to awaken a part of my subconscious to the fact that we had met before years earlier when I was still a young girl.  The time I spent with this man, let's call him Mr. F, remains to be the most important educational experience of my life.  Quite honestly I spent most of my time with him avoiding my college classes, I was being pulled into a very old lineage of information that was available to a select few and it was handed to me in a  destabilizing way (on purpose, of course).  In hindsight it is clear to me that I was being brainwashed. But that's the thing, I was never broken.  Meeting him again was a part of my karmic contract, despite that in terms of my spiritual well being I felt that I was in the "lion's mouth" so to speak, every effort he made to pull me back into being a monarch* was met with an about face. I learned about the structures of power that have existed on earth since Egypt, and before then actually.  I learned that a group of families who have guarded information about our heritage and abilities were using these resources to the detriment of most of mankind.  I learned how politics work, how the banking system was formed, I learned about the United Nations and Novus Ordo Seclorum, about microwaves and why the food system was being poisoned by big business for big business. I learned that humanity was under attack and most importantly, I learned that I do not fear death.  I garnered many other practical and applicable business skills that are altogether unquantifiable, my former boss being one of the foremost Las Vegas casino owners, and all.  But really what became evident to me was my own calling and necessity to align myself with a higher purpose, one that could apply my inherent abilities toward creating movements of peace and safety for disenfranchised individuals and groups, one that could anchor an energy of peace and remembrance onto this beautiful and perfect planet.  I would have to start with myself, of course.  And so I did, and I have, and now I am working with others.  With you.

Over the next few months I will be sharing some of my stories of working for Mr. F., I invite you to ask questions or share your experiences.  I have been made aware that many of us incarnate into situations that expose us to beings like this and it is time to disempower those memories of indoctrination and damage from our cells and replace them with love.  It's time for us to reclaim what is ours.

Travel lightly,

* Monarch Project:  Heavy stuff, kids... proceed with caution:'Brien

there is a lot more research about this project, if you feel the need to delve further it's out there and available.

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