Friday, November 9, 2012

White Noise

For the last few weeks I have had a terrible pain in my side. A thorn that pricks me from my spine to the middle of my foot. On the back side of my body but also on the front. In Yoga the right side of the body represent Pingala, or sun-like masculine energy. The left side of the body represents Ida, or moon-like feminine energy. Similarly the front and back of our body represent the Gunas. In Yoga the front of the body represents Rajas, or the energy of volition. It is both an embodiment of the way we project ourselves into the future but also the way we project ourselves into the world. The back of the body represents Tamas, a resting state that can sometimes border on lethargy. The back of the body represents the past and is often the way that we see ourselves. The center of these quadrants is Satva, or balance. Satva is the unification of all of these aspects in their state of sublimation with one another.

This pain had made my life somewhat strange, certainly taking me off balance and making it difficult for me to see and interact with life in a way that is familiar to me. I have been speaking a lot about DNA activation and what that might look and feel like for most of you but one of the key things to keep in mind is that sometimes upgrading your software can be an ouchie. Especially if there is resistance within you to what these new possibilities represent. Higher frequencies attract higher frequencies and repel lower frequencies.

I asked my Reiki Master Class and my Teacher to perform a distance healing on me and the results were immediate and undeniable.  For the first time in weeks I am not in pain. I must say however, that in general I don't recommend receiving Reiki from 10 masters all at once unless you're dying. There might be a little humor in that but also the experience of receiving so much energy was at some points incredibly painful and disorienting. This was fleeting, of course, but for anyone who doesn't have much experience with it... start lightly.  The other side of that is the gratitude I experience for not having a pain in my spine and for feeling my SELF again. Today I am confronting a terrible cold and fever, which is a positive victory from where I am standing- since it means I am getting release. So much love to the amazing healers and masters in my life :)

Two things happened during that first session the obvious one which I spoke about was relief. The other was the return of a reoccurring dream, one which I know interface with as a memory.  In this dream I was with my younger brother.  He was not in the same form as he is now, but he was still the same exact soul.  Though on the outside of this incarnation I was a man, my soul self was and has been feminine. In this dream, where we were being held captive and our parents had just been murdered, I recall putting my hands over the front and back of my younger brother's heart.  As I did this, I felt an incredible pulling, or absence of energy, I kept my hands there to channel healing into his heart since is was shattered by the murder of our parents.

We decided to escape the situation and as we were moving from room to room we came into a corridor where there were several soldiers. These soldiers were not the kind that we see today, this took place several thousand years ago somewhere in the east (we were either Indian or Tibetan at the time) and the soldiers were dressed as Samurai but there was something more to them than just there weapons and their mastery over physicality.  With my brother and I was one other person, I am convinced that over person was also me- but as a spirit guide/ deity/ true self, because when I try to see who this person was it seems as though I am looking into smoke.  This spirit self was also the self that holding hands over my brother's heart since as I mentioned, I was a male in this lifetime. This spirit self is also someone that has appeared AND PROMPTLY DISAPPEARED to me while I am performing distance healing on other people. Anyhow, back to the Ninja Samurai people-right?

I knew immediately when I saw them that there was something else going on... It occurred to me at that moment that my brother and I, who have shared many many lifetimes together as siblings, were being held to be used as weapons. In the face of the extra ordinary threat from these captors, I became aware of a very powerful energy within my own being.  As the Samurais made their moves toward us I was encased in a violet light, the light emanated from within me and had this electric property. Within my own anger and urge to protect myself and my brother I drew my hands up and literally pulled the power out of the hands of the people threatening us.  Their power was also violet colored, but it was more attracted to me than it was to them and this made it very easy to remove. After this, I made a slight sweeping motion with my arm- as if to ward them off, and they all fell over very quickly giving us more time to run away.

This is when I awoke. Promptly staring at my hands and wondering what just happened. I have revisited this dream so many times in my life. I have also always been aware about my younger brother's abilities and his amazing spirit. Though he may not welcome exploring it right now and maybe not even in this life, I can sense who he is. Also, it is memories or "dreams" such as this one that illuminate why people might not want to take certain paths in their lives, being that the path of their own power and uniqueness brought them unimaginable pain in a former life. And truly, his heart was so broken that I felt like I was holding it together.

For some people dreams are like white noise. Somewhere in the background of their minds they are aware of the constant movement and static between particles but maybe they are not ready to go into it.

Awakening is important for humanity at this point in our galactic sharedstory but what is equally if not more important is respecting everyone's free will choice to observe these shifts the way that they want to. Each one of our souls has inherent dignity and is here because we are needed and we agreed- that doesn't mean that this evolution will look the same for all of us.

Follow the noise or don't.

Be in joy and be radiant, honor yourself.

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