Monday, November 12, 2012


Last night I awoke at exactly 2:22. I have been seeing 222 everywhere these days, but it was especially significant to me because yesterday was 11/11 and I made a big decision in my life. I have decided to leave New York City. Though I intend on coming back in March to continue my studies until summer, I feel a huge sense of relief that I will not be here for the winter.

When I awoke last night I was overcome by love. Deep love and deep support. I felt this love all through my body but I also perceived it as waves of different colored light washing over my body, lapping over any doubt or hesitancy that I might have had when I fell asleep.  This was such a wonderful validation for me. I realized that by staying here through winter and struggling to pay my rent so that I could be here for my teacher training, I was just resisting divine providence- thereby blinding myself from the potential possibilities available to me.

Sometimes you have to let go altogether to gain perspective.

Really quickly, I want to tell you about what to look for coming up:

Chakra Balancing using a pendulum

5 D meditation

and a special treat that I am working on...

an introduction to telepathy.

Let me know what numbers you are working with... numbers have a lot more to do with our "super" powers that we know. There is such a thing as celestial harmonics and many people who have had near death experiences will come back talking about the incredible music they heard... many shamans will also speak of such things.  Anyhow, each number represents a sound and vibration and tuning into the numbers and their frequency is probably the first level to unlocking your own unique super gifts.

Have a super wonderful day!



  1. For about the last year or so I have been seeing repeating numbers all over the place. I awoke at precisely 3:33 AM every morning for months. More often than not, there are repeating numbers whenever I happen to check the time. This happens every single day, several times a day. the ones that seem to come up the most often are 11:11, 3:33 & 5:55. I know it's more than just a coincidence.
