Anyhow, I was doing my dream work several weeks ago when one of my teachers brought to my attention that I can use my pendulum for much more than I was using it for- basic yes and no questions. They began explaining to me about how pendulums are unique in balancing and clearing the chakras because they work directly with the body's own biomagnetic field. This is interesting, I thought though I didn't get much more from that teacher at that time. Within days of this lesson I was reading Conway's book, "Of Stone, Stick and Thorn" about Celtic Shamanism, and she was explaining about how chakra balancing using a pendulum is a common shamanic practice. She said that you could use little pieces of paper to balance the chakras for yourself and that you would need to get the purest color possible to represent the color associated with that chakra to connect with that energy of that chakra in a balanced state. COOL. I did't end up going in that direction, I ended up working with my guides for protection and laying my own body on the floor using the pendulum and sensing the movement of the crystal through my various bodies. It felt very pleasant.
I practiced on my friend and he also received the benefit and recounted that that night he had very vivid dreams that he could remember. This is great, since he is only now beginning to remember his dreams. Anyhow, yesterday I had a wonderful day which included attuning myself to 3 alternate Reiki symbols in order to work with a client who was asking for a very specific outcome. (We can talk more about these in another post). I then had the session and then I spent the day with one of my soul mates and great friends. We had lunch, played with cards, caught up and practice chakra balancing.
I can't speak to what her experience was but mine was excellent. She comes from the Kundalini Yoga Lineage and in her approach she worked with several more of the sub chakras than I did- having focused only the 7 chakras we commonly understand on earth. WHen she was working on my earth chakra I could literally feel this wonderful grounding and down sweeping motion that came to me in the rhythm of the earth's heartbeat. I also saw* a lot of interesting visions. I saw that the room was full of cat people and that my friend herself had the face of an owl as she was working on me.
The actual process involves several steps. Because word and intention and setting your domain is so powerful, I always begin by calling in my guides and angels and spirit animals. I invite my client's companions as well. I offer gratitude to the situation and I offer it to the highest good for all- I learned this from my teacher, Brett Bevell. In addition to these steps, because I am working with a new medium- one that came to me at night, I set the intention that the process be for healing and create a space where nothing can become imbalanced or injured by the experimentation. I then begin at the base chakra and work my way up. It's important to work with your pendulum to become aware of what means what... for me I allow my pendulum to spin or move in whatever direction is needs in order to represent the chakra. I know from asking and communicating with my pendulum that once it comes to a complete stop- or as close as possible to one, that we are ready to move on.
So I work my way up the chakras in this fashion. At the very end- the crown, I set the intention of sealing in the benefits of the practice and closing the energetic field. This is vital because you don't want anyone walking around with an open aura- especially in New York City, but really anywhere. You can say the words, "I offer this practice to the highest good for all and I seal this practice with divine love and wisdom." Trust in your own ability to create protection for others (and yourself) and trust that when you are doing this work, if you create the boundaries wot work only with being who serve the divine law of one and the divine order- you block out everything else. I have said this before, but there are thousands of beings willing to help us if we let them in. Exercise being selective, since out of those thousands there are also some unseemly characters who will try to convince you that they are your friend.
The same friend that I was doing this practice with yesterday discovered in a past life regression that she had a tricky entity who she thought was a friendly spirit that was actually damaging her auric field and creating a feeding situation that funneled to a very negative entity. SO, ask for protection and invoke protection. The veils of reality are thinning more and more every day and we are starting to have an awareness of things that seem unexplainable.
God exists in all things, especially in you. Own it.
Be the light,
The pendulum is so easy to use. That is what appeals to me about this particular practic. Anyone can do it, no matter how adept or attuned they are.