Friday, November 9, 2012


I want to share with you something that happened to me the other week after I was performing Reiki and shamanic healing on some clients.  After my last client, who I was removing some angry cords from, left my home I was completely zonked out. I thought lazily, I have been clearing my apartment the whole day, I will be fine to just sleep.


Around 4 hours later I was awoken to my dog growling and sitting on top of me.  I immediately got on my feet and turned the light on but there was definitely a presence in my bedroom.  My dog was looking around and sort of throwing her body on front of mine wherever I would move to. I sensed this terribly angry and sad presence sort of floating around the space in my room completely disembodied. The thing is, it COULD NOT SEE ME.  Which is why it hadn't attached to me.  And I must thank the lovely, Jenni McKinnon for making me invisible to entities that would want to harm me or people in general. Jenni is a very spectacular energy healer and witch and she works very closely with faeries and elves. She is also a powerful earth goddess who can teach us all quite a lot about our heritage and the gifts available to us... check her out for sure. Back to the tale of the evening... negative entity attachment is real just like our soul can fragment due to trauma. As my dog was was protecting me I closed my eyes and saw this truly awful thing sort of blindly moving about my bedroom looking for me.  I immediately called in my guides and the specific beings that I work with to help me clear the room.

When I called upon the aid of my guides and the angels, etc. I felt an immediate warmth enter my body and radiate from within it. I also had the distinct impression that I was completely safe and I was exponentially more powerful than this other being but that I needed to consider feeling like I need to call the calvary each time I might feel frightened or like I need help. Part of accepting my power is using it. We will leave that for another post, however.  So in a few short moments I cleared this presence out of my room and into the light.

I personally like doing this because I believe that when an energetic presence is as intense as that, it should be transmuted from negative to positive. Thereby having the potential to effect others as intensely but in a safe and joyful way.

Lesson learned. Clear your space is best practice.


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