In the United States of America we are celebrating the Thanksgiving Holiday this coming Thursday, November 22. I don't want to get into the politics behind thanksgiving but I will say this: we have the opportunity to make this day our own and it is also irrefutable that we all have a wealth of gifts to be thankful for.
The last time I wrote a post like this was for September 11 and the healing circle that myself and two other women organized. September 11 was an amazing opportunity that we seized upon because it represented unique planetary alignment in this galaxy. Alongside many other people who joined us from all over the world we focused a staggering amount of love to this geographical region. I am still so humbled by the efforts put forth that day.
November 22 affords us another such opportunity to direct planetary alignment to places on this earth that are shrouded in suffering. I would like to take this opportunity to create a call to action for all healers to unite their intentions at some point during the 22nd.
For those of you who are not Reiki attuned, listen to your intuition and allow yourself to be guided by your own divine desire of service and resolution- you will find the words and the visualization to empower your desires.
I don't have a set time for this prayer but it could be any time during November 22 that is convenient to you.
For those of you attuned to Reiki please utilize the following invocation:
Isreal, Palestine
Isreal, Palestine
Isreal, Palstine
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei
Sei Hei Ki
Sei Hei Ki
Sei Hei Ki
Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei
You will know when to release...
Please feel free to join us on Facebook, as well: HERE
We were given healing hands so that we could heal each other.
In love and gratitude,
Thank you! I'll be there.