This morning I awoke with a sense of home within me. It's been a rough few months and I have found myself negotiating all of the new knowledge that is imparted to me from my guides- and probably awakening from within my cells and DNA, and the actual interaction with 3rd dimensional reality.
I have the same worries that many people do. I worry if I am doing well at work, I worry about paying all of my bills, about whether I will have time to see the people I love and not drown in the minutia of life, I worry if I will see a good night's rest... but then there is another side of that. It is not another experience entirely but an aspect of the same essence. I know of another life, I feel it and hear it and taste it and live it. I am reunited with it whenever I set my intention to receive it.
My entire life I have felt that I have two homes. I have the home I visit in my dreams and meditation, the one where I see my families and my friends and my allies and teachers. In this home I am unbound. I am the person, the being, that I have always understood myself to be. This is the home where when I see people and they say to me, "Hey, you were in my dream," and I know that yes- they did see me and that they also saw where the more complete me lives. The one that has no problems traveling in and out of my dreams or anyone else's or different time frames or possibilities or even planets and universes. Sounds outlandish- but if you are reading this blog then I trust it is because you are experiencing very similar phenomenon. When my guides began encouraging me to write about my experiences they assured me that they would help bring people who could benefit from this information to me. In terms of physics- I suppose that makes sense. The frequencies find themselves, resonant energies of like and like tend to move toward themselves to create harmonics. Magic happens in harmonics and I would like to talk about that and how to use harmonics to cultivate telepathy- but not in this post.
My other home is on earth with all of YOU who have chosen to be here at this time (THANK YOU!) and some of you who have been trapped within the cycles of re-incarnation due to what David Icke refers to as the schism. (As a side note I just realized that David Icke posted the video on the link on my birthday... synchronistic much?) Anyhow, I have had a fairly difficult time feeling at home on earth for most of my life. I should mention that this is not because of my connection or lack of connection to earth which has often been my saving grace, but because I have had a terribly difficult time understanding people and their actions. Evil has been completely obtuse and misguided to me and pettiness has been confounding.
Growing up I used to get in a lot of fights with my girlfriends... my Dad told me that the connection in every case was me, so it had to be something that I was (or wasn't) doing- which totally hurt my feelings at the time. It wasn't until I was older and I had re-built my self-esteem that I realized that he was right, I had the same (or very similar) drama with women and some men over and over again throughout my life. But I also realized it is because on a fundamental level I JUST DIDN'T UNDERSTAND and I didn't want to play the game or interface with them in a programmed way. So I was always left feeling kind of stupefied and hurt while at the same time being kind of okay with not behaving in a reductionist way. I learned to be okay with being alone. Sufficed to say that I want to be friends with people. The older I get the more I realize how valuable the human connection is for us to truly understand why earth chose us. I have made such profound peace with the earth and with people. I stopped believing that I didn't come from here- which is a pretty symptomatic belief for many Starseeds, but also one that bars us from connecting with our mission.
It's not that we have to "give up" the belief that we are from somewhere else- but we have to evolve beyond the polarity of this thought to recognize that we chose to come here and really be here AND the earth trusted us and agreed to let us help her. That is why we look like human beings (some of us more than others ;)) and we are composed of the same basic elements as the earth and we suffer the illnesses and defeats and glories that human beings do. It's the whole package. Coming from a place of dominion with the earth we can do our work in a more grounded way, after all we have her consent as well as the universe's. Lately in meditation I like to visualize an earth in each one of my chakras. I receive the most beautiful sensation of abundant gratitude when I do this. Yummy!
Anyhow this morning I had the realization that I do not have two homes. That my body is my home, that my body is my home, that my body is my home. I carry the lineage of all of the lives I have ever lived, the wisdom of each planet, the generosity of all beings and the vulnerability of life, the strength of every star in the sky, every universe and color, all that I Am within this body. And I accept to activate the pre-agreements that I made before coming into this life in order to my work. Your body is your home too. Some people are pretty die hard about food and substances and exercise and blah blah blah- but again, this is 3rd dimensional way of thinking and when we disempower our food with our thoughts- we transform it. When we bless our food and we thank our food we recognize its own innate holiness and activate the gratitude within its cellular structure, try this for two weeks and you will notice a difference. The same goes for your body- use this to relate to your own vehicle and see what happens.
So I have to get moving but the reason that I want to share this post about home with you, one that I find to be exceedingly personal, is because of synchronicity. The other day on my way into the city I heard a man singing and playing guitar on my train platform. He was super good. I recorded some of it and I even bought the CD. I like the CD but the song the young man was singing when I saw him was the one I really wanted to hear. So after a little internal nudging I visited their website and one of the first things I saw was this song called, "Home". You all know how I love to be led by my intuition but this was particularly fruitful. So let's be thankful to the music. :)
In beauty and peace,
Friday, November 30, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
My body is your body
Some call the merging
Infinite with finite.
There is no separation
Purusha gave birth to the galaxy
And now the galaxy is pregnant
with a new hope
for Mother Nature.
There is no end or beginning
We cannot get home
without being home.
Some call the merging
Infinite with finite.
There is no separation
Purusha gave birth to the galaxy
And now the galaxy is pregnant
with a new hope
for Mother Nature.
There is no end or beginning
We cannot get home
without being home.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Polishing the Mirror of Self
Like many people on the Eastern Seaboard of the US, I awoke at 6am on November 22 and though bleary eyed, I held the intention of joining the mass meditation/clearing for earth. My particular focus this day was to flood Israel and Palestine with light.
At the beginning of the practice I kept coming in and out of visions of walking through the streets of Jerusalem. I saw that people were afraid there, that they were injured. I sent healing to those people as I continued to walk through those streets and alleyways. I saw soldiers lining the streets of Israel and I sent love to them, directing them toward the power of their own childhood innocence. I noticed almost immediately that there were others around me who were also doing similar work, some of them were human, some where not. There was an incredible focus on clearing this stagnant energy. I found myself floating above Israel and Palestine looking at the desert. I came in and out of complete stillness. The next moment I was in a dark room with a bunch of shadow figures that were surrounding human beings. I instinctually began to tear at the shadows ripping them to pieces with the power of deep focus and protective peace. Within the bodies of the men in the room, there were also tendrils of shadowy presences or dark spots that I also began to rip from their bodies-relentlessly pulling cords from their stomachs and spines. Simultaneously there was a presence of healing entering the room and sort of holding the new them together as myself and some others were tearing the old them apart. I found myself floating over the earth again and then I was on the floor, it was dusty and dirty and angry and exhausted. I realized that the energy of war cultivated by private interest and industry in this region of the world over several millennia had served to injure Gaia's aura. I knew that she too would need healing. I connected myself to Gaia's core and then to the sun and the galactic center, I envisioned a grid around the earth that was being activated and worked on by a legion of beings. I began to focus so intently on this grid allowing universal light to pour through me into the space, the dirt, the ground- the particles of dust that had been traumatized by violent energy and repression until I felt three very powerful pink explosions. They resembled a nuclear bomb but had a contrary effect. An effect of creation, of stillness, of untangling. At first the explosions occurred as though they were moving through me but then I also saw them happening from space. They served to empower the peace grid that has been encircling this planet to provide divine healing and harmonics and which is a beautiful example of the types of collaboration we will be seeing more of as our human species evolves and accepts ascension and our greater galactic heritage.
After the third explosion I found myself right back in my body in my bed in Brooklyn with my dog, ever my guardian, at my feet. I took the extra time to ground myself well since this is only the second time that I consciously participated in this type of mission.
In the days after this healing many of my own issues with anger and frustration and even boredom have surfaced. Similar to my experience with Reiki, I found that moving so much energy has a way of bringing any unresolved issues to the surface. Rather than muting them, I let them live a little and maybe get the best of me. In my awareness of this dynamic I won't beat myself up. Being overly critical of my poor behavior is something the old me would do in the old way of thinking in the old way of being in the old world that no longer works for almost anyone. I feel genuine remorse for my behavior while at once being singularly grateful for my humanness. It's providing me with the opportunity to look at myself honestly, to see my reflection and polish myself. The beauty and grace of life is that I don't have to bring these behaviors with me now that I am cognizant of their ability to be destructive to good things. Things that grow and things that nourish me. What this experience provided me with is the opportunity to recognize that I still hadn't let these things go. And now I will. And I am so humbled and grateful to be trusted by so many people and by the earth and the elements and God to share these moments and experiences and memories with you all, even my weak ones.
Whatever is coming up for you right now, know that you are not alone. And ESPECIALLY those who have been doing clearing work for several months or years... do not feel defeated by these flare ups... do not feel that you have failed in your dedication- that is exactly what your ego will want you to think and feel to ensnarl you in your old way of being... that person is dead and whatever is surfacing now is just your higher self beckoning you to recognize that it needs more space in your bodies if it is going to anchor itself within your physicality at this moment in time. REMEMBER THIS AGREEMENT and meet your challenges with joy... you are succeeding in your invaluable service of love to humanity and to the earth. Our star families and inter dimensional families are so very happy for us. You are loved so completely. Swell in that love and allow it to sustain you.
Fear not. Rejoice.
In radiant gratitude,
At the beginning of the practice I kept coming in and out of visions of walking through the streets of Jerusalem. I saw that people were afraid there, that they were injured. I sent healing to those people as I continued to walk through those streets and alleyways. I saw soldiers lining the streets of Israel and I sent love to them, directing them toward the power of their own childhood innocence. I noticed almost immediately that there were others around me who were also doing similar work, some of them were human, some where not. There was an incredible focus on clearing this stagnant energy. I found myself floating above Israel and Palestine looking at the desert. I came in and out of complete stillness. The next moment I was in a dark room with a bunch of shadow figures that were surrounding human beings. I instinctually began to tear at the shadows ripping them to pieces with the power of deep focus and protective peace. Within the bodies of the men in the room, there were also tendrils of shadowy presences or dark spots that I also began to rip from their bodies-relentlessly pulling cords from their stomachs and spines. Simultaneously there was a presence of healing entering the room and sort of holding the new them together as myself and some others were tearing the old them apart. I found myself floating over the earth again and then I was on the floor, it was dusty and dirty and angry and exhausted. I realized that the energy of war cultivated by private interest and industry in this region of the world over several millennia had served to injure Gaia's aura. I knew that she too would need healing. I connected myself to Gaia's core and then to the sun and the galactic center, I envisioned a grid around the earth that was being activated and worked on by a legion of beings. I began to focus so intently on this grid allowing universal light to pour through me into the space, the dirt, the ground- the particles of dust that had been traumatized by violent energy and repression until I felt three very powerful pink explosions. They resembled a nuclear bomb but had a contrary effect. An effect of creation, of stillness, of untangling. At first the explosions occurred as though they were moving through me but then I also saw them happening from space. They served to empower the peace grid that has been encircling this planet to provide divine healing and harmonics and which is a beautiful example of the types of collaboration we will be seeing more of as our human species evolves and accepts ascension and our greater galactic heritage.
After the third explosion I found myself right back in my body in my bed in Brooklyn with my dog, ever my guardian, at my feet. I took the extra time to ground myself well since this is only the second time that I consciously participated in this type of mission.
In the days after this healing many of my own issues with anger and frustration and even boredom have surfaced. Similar to my experience with Reiki, I found that moving so much energy has a way of bringing any unresolved issues to the surface. Rather than muting them, I let them live a little and maybe get the best of me. In my awareness of this dynamic I won't beat myself up. Being overly critical of my poor behavior is something the old me would do in the old way of thinking in the old way of being in the old world that no longer works for almost anyone. I feel genuine remorse for my behavior while at once being singularly grateful for my humanness. It's providing me with the opportunity to look at myself honestly, to see my reflection and polish myself. The beauty and grace of life is that I don't have to bring these behaviors with me now that I am cognizant of their ability to be destructive to good things. Things that grow and things that nourish me. What this experience provided me with is the opportunity to recognize that I still hadn't let these things go. And now I will. And I am so humbled and grateful to be trusted by so many people and by the earth and the elements and God to share these moments and experiences and memories with you all, even my weak ones.
Whatever is coming up for you right now, know that you are not alone. And ESPECIALLY those who have been doing clearing work for several months or years... do not feel defeated by these flare ups... do not feel that you have failed in your dedication- that is exactly what your ego will want you to think and feel to ensnarl you in your old way of being... that person is dead and whatever is surfacing now is just your higher self beckoning you to recognize that it needs more space in your bodies if it is going to anchor itself within your physicality at this moment in time. REMEMBER THIS AGREEMENT and meet your challenges with joy... you are succeeding in your invaluable service of love to humanity and to the earth. Our star families and inter dimensional families are so very happy for us. You are loved so completely. Swell in that love and allow it to sustain you.
Fear not. Rejoice.
In radiant gratitude,
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Healing Hands

In the United States of America we are celebrating the Thanksgiving Holiday this coming Thursday, November 22. I don't want to get into the politics behind thanksgiving but I will say this: we have the opportunity to make this day our own and it is also irrefutable that we all have a wealth of gifts to be thankful for.
The last time I wrote a post like this was for September 11 and the healing circle that myself and two other women organized. September 11 was an amazing opportunity that we seized upon because it represented unique planetary alignment in this galaxy. Alongside many other people who joined us from all over the world we focused a staggering amount of love to this geographical region. I am still so humbled by the efforts put forth that day.
November 22 affords us another such opportunity to direct planetary alignment to places on this earth that are shrouded in suffering. I would like to take this opportunity to create a call to action for all healers to unite their intentions at some point during the 22nd.
For those of you who are not Reiki attuned, listen to your intuition and allow yourself to be guided by your own divine desire of service and resolution- you will find the words and the visualization to empower your desires.
I don't have a set time for this prayer but it could be any time during November 22 that is convenient to you.
For those of you attuned to Reiki please utilize the following invocation:
Isreal, Palestine
Isreal, Palestine
Isreal, Palstine
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei
Sei Hei Ki
Sei Hei Ki
Sei Hei Ki
Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei
You will know when to release...
Please feel free to join us on Facebook, as well: HERE
We were given healing hands so that we could heal each other.
In love and gratitude,
Monday, November 19, 2012
Chakra Balancing

Anyhow, I was doing my dream work several weeks ago when one of my teachers brought to my attention that I can use my pendulum for much more than I was using it for- basic yes and no questions. They began explaining to me about how pendulums are unique in balancing and clearing the chakras because they work directly with the body's own biomagnetic field. This is interesting, I thought though I didn't get much more from that teacher at that time. Within days of this lesson I was reading Conway's book, "Of Stone, Stick and Thorn" about Celtic Shamanism, and she was explaining about how chakra balancing using a pendulum is a common shamanic practice. She said that you could use little pieces of paper to balance the chakras for yourself and that you would need to get the purest color possible to represent the color associated with that chakra to connect with that energy of that chakra in a balanced state. COOL. I did't end up going in that direction, I ended up working with my guides for protection and laying my own body on the floor using the pendulum and sensing the movement of the crystal through my various bodies. It felt very pleasant.
I practiced on my friend and he also received the benefit and recounted that that night he had very vivid dreams that he could remember. This is great, since he is only now beginning to remember his dreams. Anyhow, yesterday I had a wonderful day which included attuning myself to 3 alternate Reiki symbols in order to work with a client who was asking for a very specific outcome. (We can talk more about these in another post). I then had the session and then I spent the day with one of my soul mates and great friends. We had lunch, played with cards, caught up and practice chakra balancing.
I can't speak to what her experience was but mine was excellent. She comes from the Kundalini Yoga Lineage and in her approach she worked with several more of the sub chakras than I did- having focused only the 7 chakras we commonly understand on earth. WHen she was working on my earth chakra I could literally feel this wonderful grounding and down sweeping motion that came to me in the rhythm of the earth's heartbeat. I also saw* a lot of interesting visions. I saw that the room was full of cat people and that my friend herself had the face of an owl as she was working on me.
The actual process involves several steps. Because word and intention and setting your domain is so powerful, I always begin by calling in my guides and angels and spirit animals. I invite my client's companions as well. I offer gratitude to the situation and I offer it to the highest good for all- I learned this from my teacher, Brett Bevell. In addition to these steps, because I am working with a new medium- one that came to me at night, I set the intention that the process be for healing and create a space where nothing can become imbalanced or injured by the experimentation. I then begin at the base chakra and work my way up. It's important to work with your pendulum to become aware of what means what... for me I allow my pendulum to spin or move in whatever direction is needs in order to represent the chakra. I know from asking and communicating with my pendulum that once it comes to a complete stop- or as close as possible to one, that we are ready to move on.
So I work my way up the chakras in this fashion. At the very end- the crown, I set the intention of sealing in the benefits of the practice and closing the energetic field. This is vital because you don't want anyone walking around with an open aura- especially in New York City, but really anywhere. You can say the words, "I offer this practice to the highest good for all and I seal this practice with divine love and wisdom." Trust in your own ability to create protection for others (and yourself) and trust that when you are doing this work, if you create the boundaries wot work only with being who serve the divine law of one and the divine order- you block out everything else. I have said this before, but there are thousands of beings willing to help us if we let them in. Exercise being selective, since out of those thousands there are also some unseemly characters who will try to convince you that they are your friend.
The same friend that I was doing this practice with yesterday discovered in a past life regression that she had a tricky entity who she thought was a friendly spirit that was actually damaging her auric field and creating a feeding situation that funneled to a very negative entity. SO, ask for protection and invoke protection. The veils of reality are thinning more and more every day and we are starting to have an awareness of things that seem unexplainable.
God exists in all things, especially in you. Own it.
Be the light,
Monday, November 12, 2012
Last night I awoke at exactly 2:22. I have been seeing 222 everywhere these days, but it was especially significant to me because yesterday was 11/11 and I made a big decision in my life. I have decided to leave New York City. Though I intend on coming back in March to continue my studies until summer, I feel a huge sense of relief that I will not be here for the winter.
When I awoke last night I was overcome by love. Deep love and deep support. I felt this love all through my body but I also perceived it as waves of different colored light washing over my body, lapping over any doubt or hesitancy that I might have had when I fell asleep. This was such a wonderful validation for me. I realized that by staying here through winter and struggling to pay my rent so that I could be here for my teacher training, I was just resisting divine providence- thereby blinding myself from the potential possibilities available to me.
Sometimes you have to let go altogether to gain perspective.
Really quickly, I want to tell you about what to look for coming up:
Chakra Balancing using a pendulum
5 D meditation
and a special treat that I am working on...
an introduction to telepathy.
Let me know what numbers you are working with... numbers have a lot more to do with our "super" powers that we know. There is such a thing as celestial harmonics and many people who have had near death experiences will come back talking about the incredible music they heard... many shamans will also speak of such things. Anyhow, each number represents a sound and vibration and tuning into the numbers and their frequency is probably the first level to unlocking your own unique super gifts.
Have a super wonderful day!
When I awoke last night I was overcome by love. Deep love and deep support. I felt this love all through my body but I also perceived it as waves of different colored light washing over my body, lapping over any doubt or hesitancy that I might have had when I fell asleep. This was such a wonderful validation for me. I realized that by staying here through winter and struggling to pay my rent so that I could be here for my teacher training, I was just resisting divine providence- thereby blinding myself from the potential possibilities available to me.
Sometimes you have to let go altogether to gain perspective.
Really quickly, I want to tell you about what to look for coming up:
Chakra Balancing using a pendulum
5 D meditation
and a special treat that I am working on...
an introduction to telepathy.
Let me know what numbers you are working with... numbers have a lot more to do with our "super" powers that we know. There is such a thing as celestial harmonics and many people who have had near death experiences will come back talking about the incredible music they heard... many shamans will also speak of such things. Anyhow, each number represents a sound and vibration and tuning into the numbers and their frequency is probably the first level to unlocking your own unique super gifts.
Have a super wonderful day!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Singing in Tongues
About 2 weeks ago as I was cleaning my apartment, I went into a sort of trance and began to sing. I didn't realize it at the time but for the duration of about 2 and half or 3 hours, I sang in a language that I didn't know I could speak. I sang my heart, every worry or fear- every sadness. It wasn't until days later that I realized what had happened. Recently, I keep finding myself going into these trance like states while I am going about my day. Then the memory comes back to me afterward and there is a sort of surfacing awareness of another self. Is this happening to anyone else?
I want to share with you something that happened to me the other week after I was performing Reiki and shamanic healing on some clients. After my last client, who I was removing some angry cords from, left my home I was completely zonked out. I thought lazily, I have been clearing my apartment the whole day, I will be fine to just sleep.
Around 4 hours later I was awoken to my dog growling and sitting on top of me. I immediately got on my feet and turned the light on but there was definitely a presence in my bedroom. My dog was looking around and sort of throwing her body on front of mine wherever I would move to. I sensed this terribly angry and sad presence sort of floating around the space in my room completely disembodied. The thing is, it COULD NOT SEE ME. Which is why it hadn't attached to me. And I must thank the lovely, Jenni McKinnon for making me invisible to entities that would want to harm me or people in general. Jenni is a very spectacular energy healer and witch and she works very closely with faeries and elves. She is also a powerful earth goddess who can teach us all quite a lot about our heritage and the gifts available to us... check her out for sure. Back to the tale of the evening... negative entity attachment is real just like our soul can fragment due to trauma. As my dog was was protecting me I closed my eyes and saw this truly awful thing sort of blindly moving about my bedroom looking for me. I immediately called in my guides and the specific beings that I work with to help me clear the room.
When I called upon the aid of my guides and the angels, etc. I felt an immediate warmth enter my body and radiate from within it. I also had the distinct impression that I was completely safe and I was exponentially more powerful than this other being but that I needed to consider feeling like I need to call the calvary each time I might feel frightened or like I need help. Part of accepting my power is using it. We will leave that for another post, however. So in a few short moments I cleared this presence out of my room and into the light.
I personally like doing this because I believe that when an energetic presence is as intense as that, it should be transmuted from negative to positive. Thereby having the potential to effect others as intensely but in a safe and joyful way.
Lesson learned. Clear your space is best practice.
Around 4 hours later I was awoken to my dog growling and sitting on top of me. I immediately got on my feet and turned the light on but there was definitely a presence in my bedroom. My dog was looking around and sort of throwing her body on front of mine wherever I would move to. I sensed this terribly angry and sad presence sort of floating around the space in my room completely disembodied. The thing is, it COULD NOT SEE ME. Which is why it hadn't attached to me. And I must thank the lovely, Jenni McKinnon for making me invisible to entities that would want to harm me or people in general. Jenni is a very spectacular energy healer and witch and she works very closely with faeries and elves. She is also a powerful earth goddess who can teach us all quite a lot about our heritage and the gifts available to us... check her out for sure. Back to the tale of the evening... negative entity attachment is real just like our soul can fragment due to trauma. As my dog was was protecting me I closed my eyes and saw this truly awful thing sort of blindly moving about my bedroom looking for me. I immediately called in my guides and the specific beings that I work with to help me clear the room.
When I called upon the aid of my guides and the angels, etc. I felt an immediate warmth enter my body and radiate from within it. I also had the distinct impression that I was completely safe and I was exponentially more powerful than this other being but that I needed to consider feeling like I need to call the calvary each time I might feel frightened or like I need help. Part of accepting my power is using it. We will leave that for another post, however. So in a few short moments I cleared this presence out of my room and into the light.
I personally like doing this because I believe that when an energetic presence is as intense as that, it should be transmuted from negative to positive. Thereby having the potential to effect others as intensely but in a safe and joyful way.
Lesson learned. Clear your space is best practice.
White Noise
For the last few weeks I have had a terrible pain in my side. A thorn that pricks me from my spine to the middle of my foot. On the back side of my body but also on the front. In Yoga the right side of the body represent Pingala, or sun-like masculine energy. The left side of the body represents Ida, or moon-like feminine energy. Similarly the front and back of our body represent the Gunas. In Yoga the front of the body represents Rajas, or the energy of volition. It is both an embodiment of the way we project ourselves into the future but also the way we project ourselves into the world. The back of the body represents Tamas, a resting state that can sometimes border on lethargy. The back of the body represents the past and is often the way that we see ourselves. The center of these quadrants is Satva, or balance. Satva is the unification of all of these aspects in their state of sublimation with one another.
This pain had made my life somewhat strange, certainly taking me off balance and making it difficult for me to see and interact with life in a way that is familiar to me. I have been speaking a lot about DNA activation and what that might look and feel like for most of you but one of the key things to keep in mind is that sometimes upgrading your software can be an ouchie. Especially if there is resistance within you to what these new possibilities represent. Higher frequencies attract higher frequencies and repel lower frequencies.
I asked my Reiki Master Class and my Teacher to perform a distance healing on me and the results were immediate and undeniable. For the first time in weeks I am not in pain. I must say however, that in general I don't recommend receiving Reiki from 10 masters all at once unless you're dying. There might be a little humor in that but also the experience of receiving so much energy was at some points incredibly painful and disorienting. This was fleeting, of course, but for anyone who doesn't have much experience with it... start lightly. The other side of that is the gratitude I experience for not having a pain in my spine and for feeling my SELF again. Today I am confronting a terrible cold and fever, which is a positive victory from where I am standing- since it means I am getting release. So much love to the amazing healers and masters in my life :)
Two things happened during that first session the obvious one which I spoke about was relief. The other was the return of a reoccurring dream, one which I know interface with as a memory. In this dream I was with my younger brother. He was not in the same form as he is now, but he was still the same exact soul. Though on the outside of this incarnation I was a man, my soul self was and has been feminine. In this dream, where we were being held captive and our parents had just been murdered, I recall putting my hands over the front and back of my younger brother's heart. As I did this, I felt an incredible pulling, or absence of energy, I kept my hands there to channel healing into his heart since is was shattered by the murder of our parents.
We decided to escape the situation and as we were moving from room to room we came into a corridor where there were several soldiers. These soldiers were not the kind that we see today, this took place several thousand years ago somewhere in the east (we were either Indian or Tibetan at the time) and the soldiers were dressed as Samurai but there was something more to them than just there weapons and their mastery over physicality. With my brother and I was one other person, I am convinced that over person was also me- but as a spirit guide/ deity/ true self, because when I try to see who this person was it seems as though I am looking into smoke. This spirit self was also the self that holding hands over my brother's heart since as I mentioned, I was a male in this lifetime. This spirit self is also someone that has appeared AND PROMPTLY DISAPPEARED to me while I am performing distance healing on other people. Anyhow, back to the Ninja Samurai people-right?
I knew immediately when I saw them that there was something else going on... It occurred to me at that moment that my brother and I, who have shared many many lifetimes together as siblings, were being held to be used as weapons. In the face of the extra ordinary threat from these captors, I became aware of a very powerful energy within my own being. As the Samurais made their moves toward us I was encased in a violet light, the light emanated from within me and had this electric property. Within my own anger and urge to protect myself and my brother I drew my hands up and literally pulled the power out of the hands of the people threatening us. Their power was also violet colored, but it was more attracted to me than it was to them and this made it very easy to remove. After this, I made a slight sweeping motion with my arm- as if to ward them off, and they all fell over very quickly giving us more time to run away.
This is when I awoke. Promptly staring at my hands and wondering what just happened. I have revisited this dream so many times in my life. I have also always been aware about my younger brother's abilities and his amazing spirit. Though he may not welcome exploring it right now and maybe not even in this life, I can sense who he is. Also, it is memories or "dreams" such as this one that illuminate why people might not want to take certain paths in their lives, being that the path of their own power and uniqueness brought them unimaginable pain in a former life. And truly, his heart was so broken that I felt like I was holding it together.
For some people dreams are like white noise. Somewhere in the background of their minds they are aware of the constant movement and static between particles but maybe they are not ready to go into it.
Awakening is important for humanity at this point in our galactic sharedstory but what is equally if not more important is respecting everyone's free will choice to observe these shifts the way that they want to. Each one of our souls has inherent dignity and is here because we are needed and we agreed- that doesn't mean that this evolution will look the same for all of us.
Follow the noise or don't.
Be in joy and be radiant, honor yourself.
This pain had made my life somewhat strange, certainly taking me off balance and making it difficult for me to see and interact with life in a way that is familiar to me. I have been speaking a lot about DNA activation and what that might look and feel like for most of you but one of the key things to keep in mind is that sometimes upgrading your software can be an ouchie. Especially if there is resistance within you to what these new possibilities represent. Higher frequencies attract higher frequencies and repel lower frequencies.
I asked my Reiki Master Class and my Teacher to perform a distance healing on me and the results were immediate and undeniable. For the first time in weeks I am not in pain. I must say however, that in general I don't recommend receiving Reiki from 10 masters all at once unless you're dying. There might be a little humor in that but also the experience of receiving so much energy was at some points incredibly painful and disorienting. This was fleeting, of course, but for anyone who doesn't have much experience with it... start lightly. The other side of that is the gratitude I experience for not having a pain in my spine and for feeling my SELF again. Today I am confronting a terrible cold and fever, which is a positive victory from where I am standing- since it means I am getting release. So much love to the amazing healers and masters in my life :)
Two things happened during that first session the obvious one which I spoke about was relief. The other was the return of a reoccurring dream, one which I know interface with as a memory. In this dream I was with my younger brother. He was not in the same form as he is now, but he was still the same exact soul. Though on the outside of this incarnation I was a man, my soul self was and has been feminine. In this dream, where we were being held captive and our parents had just been murdered, I recall putting my hands over the front and back of my younger brother's heart. As I did this, I felt an incredible pulling, or absence of energy, I kept my hands there to channel healing into his heart since is was shattered by the murder of our parents.
We decided to escape the situation and as we were moving from room to room we came into a corridor where there were several soldiers. These soldiers were not the kind that we see today, this took place several thousand years ago somewhere in the east (we were either Indian or Tibetan at the time) and the soldiers were dressed as Samurai but there was something more to them than just there weapons and their mastery over physicality. With my brother and I was one other person, I am convinced that over person was also me- but as a spirit guide/ deity/ true self, because when I try to see who this person was it seems as though I am looking into smoke. This spirit self was also the self that holding hands over my brother's heart since as I mentioned, I was a male in this lifetime. This spirit self is also someone that has appeared AND PROMPTLY DISAPPEARED to me while I am performing distance healing on other people. Anyhow, back to the Ninja Samurai people-right?
I knew immediately when I saw them that there was something else going on... It occurred to me at that moment that my brother and I, who have shared many many lifetimes together as siblings, were being held to be used as weapons. In the face of the extra ordinary threat from these captors, I became aware of a very powerful energy within my own being. As the Samurais made their moves toward us I was encased in a violet light, the light emanated from within me and had this electric property. Within my own anger and urge to protect myself and my brother I drew my hands up and literally pulled the power out of the hands of the people threatening us. Their power was also violet colored, but it was more attracted to me than it was to them and this made it very easy to remove. After this, I made a slight sweeping motion with my arm- as if to ward them off, and they all fell over very quickly giving us more time to run away.
This is when I awoke. Promptly staring at my hands and wondering what just happened. I have revisited this dream so many times in my life. I have also always been aware about my younger brother's abilities and his amazing spirit. Though he may not welcome exploring it right now and maybe not even in this life, I can sense who he is. Also, it is memories or "dreams" such as this one that illuminate why people might not want to take certain paths in their lives, being that the path of their own power and uniqueness brought them unimaginable pain in a former life. And truly, his heart was so broken that I felt like I was holding it together.
For some people dreams are like white noise. Somewhere in the background of their minds they are aware of the constant movement and static between particles but maybe they are not ready to go into it.
Awakening is important for humanity at this point in our galactic sharedstory but what is equally if not more important is respecting everyone's free will choice to observe these shifts the way that they want to. Each one of our souls has inherent dignity and is here because we are needed and we agreed- that doesn't mean that this evolution will look the same for all of us.
Follow the noise or don't.
Be in joy and be radiant, honor yourself.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Who are you?
This morning I received a very clear message about the pervasive nature of Programming. I have spoken about Programming before but for those of you who are just jumping on, Programming is basically the entire structure upon which our belief and thought system operates. Much of our programming is inherited straight from our parents. All told, it is a positive experience to be raised by people who love you and look after your well being. We learn valid and valuable lessons from them. We do however, also learn their unconscious and subconscious beliefs, their superstitions and idiosyncrasies. From them we can also glean gender role programming and success programming, the latter which become evident in the trajectory you are "expected"to take with your life in order to become "successful".
Television commercials teach us product programming, convincing us that we will need to acquire an object if we would like to become important. Even art and music and books are heavily laden with programs that teach us love in a polarized way, that teach us about death and life in a polarized way, that attempt to convince us that freedom doesn't come without great sacrifice.
Certain nutritionists will tell us that the only way to be healthy is to eat certain food groups and to avoid others altogether. The Diet program is most counterintuitive... we should consider humbling ourselves to the genius of nature. Why would we be born into a world where all of our basic nutrient needs wouldn't be met? This is how the food chain works, if you use logic... it's an orchestra out there/in here.
Television shows and movies seem to be the most hypnotic programs we fall prey to. Something about the characters being so real, so compelling, and yet so flat and one dimensional at the same time. If you aren't expecting it, you would completely miss the fact that most characters are completely fragmented parts of a whole. But these things are layered. We slowly learn to become fragmented along side them. The role of music plays a large role, it is often thought the Lucifer was the Archangel of music. In many cults and many ancient knowledge holding groups this is still considered accurate. There have in fact been many prominent musicians that come out to the public fully acknowledging that they've "sold their soul to the devil", that they can't stop the song and dance no matter how old or tired they are. There are also many sacrifices in the hollywood music industry clans. No one is allowed to get out of line or speak up too much or else they suddenly become "drug addicts" or "crazy" as identified by the same exact people that were feeding them drugs and kindling the flame of their eccentricities just moments before.
One of the most disgusting examples of this is the Whitney Houston sacrifice. Yup, I said it. A day our so before her sacrifice Clive Davis (primary handler number 1) called Jennifer Hudson the new "Whitney Houston"... how obtuse I thought, being that Whitney Houston is still alive. You can certainly do more research about this on the internet. As always I ask that you read through things using your heart's reaction as a barometer for truth seeing.
The message I received this morning has to do with something that I was involved with in the past, as in a past life... I had written a little about it a month or so ago... The Monarch Project. ( & &
The nature of this message had to do with us accepting fragmented personalities as our own. Beyond that it had to do with sound and how when we here certain music or see certain patterns our fragmented personality that was or has become encoded into our brain through the hypnotic brainwashing of television PROGRAMMING becomes activated. When activated we make decisions that would otherwise not make sense to us, including associations, foods, purchases and actions. The message that I received from my guides was: "We love you all, please tell young people to be aware of the information they accept into their brains, tell them that they are more."
There was also some other stuff about characters but please meditate on this information and ask for help clearing yourself of any programs.
Television commercials teach us product programming, convincing us that we will need to acquire an object if we would like to become important. Even art and music and books are heavily laden with programs that teach us love in a polarized way, that teach us about death and life in a polarized way, that attempt to convince us that freedom doesn't come without great sacrifice.
Certain nutritionists will tell us that the only way to be healthy is to eat certain food groups and to avoid others altogether. The Diet program is most counterintuitive... we should consider humbling ourselves to the genius of nature. Why would we be born into a world where all of our basic nutrient needs wouldn't be met? This is how the food chain works, if you use logic... it's an orchestra out there/in here.
Television shows and movies seem to be the most hypnotic programs we fall prey to. Something about the characters being so real, so compelling, and yet so flat and one dimensional at the same time. If you aren't expecting it, you would completely miss the fact that most characters are completely fragmented parts of a whole. But these things are layered. We slowly learn to become fragmented along side them. The role of music plays a large role, it is often thought the Lucifer was the Archangel of music. In many cults and many ancient knowledge holding groups this is still considered accurate. There have in fact been many prominent musicians that come out to the public fully acknowledging that they've "sold their soul to the devil", that they can't stop the song and dance no matter how old or tired they are. There are also many sacrifices in the hollywood music industry clans. No one is allowed to get out of line or speak up too much or else they suddenly become "drug addicts" or "crazy" as identified by the same exact people that were feeding them drugs and kindling the flame of their eccentricities just moments before.
One of the most disgusting examples of this is the Whitney Houston sacrifice. Yup, I said it. A day our so before her sacrifice Clive Davis (primary handler number 1) called Jennifer Hudson the new "Whitney Houston"... how obtuse I thought, being that Whitney Houston is still alive. You can certainly do more research about this on the internet. As always I ask that you read through things using your heart's reaction as a barometer for truth seeing.
The message I received this morning has to do with something that I was involved with in the past, as in a past life... I had written a little about it a month or so ago... The Monarch Project. ( & &
The nature of this message had to do with us accepting fragmented personalities as our own. Beyond that it had to do with sound and how when we here certain music or see certain patterns our fragmented personality that was or has become encoded into our brain through the hypnotic brainwashing of television PROGRAMMING becomes activated. When activated we make decisions that would otherwise not make sense to us, including associations, foods, purchases and actions. The message that I received from my guides was: "We love you all, please tell young people to be aware of the information they accept into their brains, tell them that they are more."
There was also some other stuff about characters but please meditate on this information and ask for help clearing yourself of any programs.
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