Friday, December 14, 2012

We need more love

Our bodies were meant to hold an incredible amount of light. It is only incredible because few of us remember use how divine we actually are.

There is love encircling every last particle on this planet. Every last particle within us, it is what we born from and how we create. Some of us are resisting this love. It shows up as tension, as illness, as lack of synchronicity (ie. an "off"day).

We must look at ourselves. We must look at each other. We must look at a world- not an earth, because SHE DID NOT ASK FOR THIS, where there is so much death, where there is injustice and pain, where people are starving despite that we live in a world abundant enough to feed us all, where trees are cut down despite that they literally filter the air that we breathe- as a service to us.  We must examine a climate where most people are a paycheck or tragedy away from being without a home, or one where our food is literally being poisoned by the people we trust to protect our freedom.

We need more love. We cannot wait for this love to happen, we surrender to this love. We are creators. We can create an environment around ourselves and within every single interaction be it personal, professional, financial, sexual, consumption that is based in love... this is how your world changes- the vibratory effects subtly radiating outward toward and subtly changing the world.

Wake up to the love that you are. Every moment is another opportunity for peace. Come to it.

In love,

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