Grab a pen and paper and write this exercise down.
Clear your mind.
Begin to notice your breath and your heartbeat.
Imagine that you can feel your breath inhaling and exhaling from the center of your heart.
Center yourself in that rhythm, in the inspirations and aspirations, but also in the pauses between the two.
Take note of any energetic changes occurring as you connect with your heart.
Begin to think about the ideal world that you want to live in.
Imagine that there are no constraints, no limitations, no consequences.
If you were free to do whatever, be whoever, go wherever...
Write down the following:
What does this world you imagine look like. What does it feel like, smell like, taste like, act like, sound like?
Create from a place of abundance and not scarcity, i.e. "I wouldn't want to do this anymore."
Be as creative as you wish, but speak from your heart.
Allow your truth to emerge without restraint.
Leave the meditative writing and sit quietly.
After a few minutes read what you just wrote.
At the beginning of your writing address your message as a letter beginning with, "Dear Heart,".
At the end of your writing address your message as a letter, ending with, "All my love, YOUR NAME."
You will be astounded by how little you need when you are being honest with yourself. People often talk about this "big moment" when the world is going to change as if it is something we should sit around and wait for. The truth is that the world is constantly changing and we influence those shifts profoundly more than we give ourselves (or than we have been given) credit for. Empower yourself. If you want to change the world, change your life, change a situation, begin by living in the ideal version of your ideal world within your own heart. You will be amazed at how many miracles will start to unfold all around you.
Hari Om, Om Tat Sat,
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