Hi, I hope everyone is doing very well. August is a super charged month as we have an incredible meteor shower gracing the skies and pretty phenomenal solar flares showering us with energy and the power to transform. All of these external occurrences can be observed as destabilizing to our energetic/emotional/physical selves, but they can also be welcomed as opportunities for activation and inspiration.
I have noticed though social media and overheard conversations that many individuals are connecting to their dream state at this time. This is so significant and I can't stress enough how important the information flowing in through our dreams is to our personal and collective development. Consider that when we dream we allow ourselves access to parts of our minds that remain guarded throughout our daytime activities. We permit our minds to rest and replenish, in a sense we let go and become vulnerable to connect with a greater possibility of ourselves. It can be intimidating and even threatening to others if you are someone who is constantly in connection with the many parts of your mind, your spirit, higher self and even source, so don't worry if you are guarded it is a kind of backward evolutionary response that is completely understandable. Especially at the beginning of our awakening, when we don't yet feel grounded in our vulnerability or are overwhelmed at the expansiveness that we are, dreaming is one of the most informative practices we can relate to. When we dream we are unbound, and eventually this translates to our waking lives as well but only when we are ready.
When I speak about awakening I am referring mostly to Starseeds* but I also speak to humanity as a whole. We can take note of this in the amount of civil unrest in the world today. The very paradigms that have been holding the overarching structures of the world together (by the skin of their teeth) are crumbling rapidly. This is scary, but it's also a good thing. As a people we are collectively identifying that things aren't working for the majority. This identification is a perfect platform for us to work creatively on finding solutions that are not anchored in the old ways of thinking or operating, but to actually start anew. Because why not?
Back to the snoozefest (ha!), there are many forces in the universe that are so encompassingly supportive of what we are undergoing as a civilization. Having compassion toward yourself is paramount right now as all of the information coming in can be aggravated by the polarization matrix that we have been engendered to know as reality. I want to share a dream that I had several months ago that will further express this. I know that many Starseeds are having similar downloads at night and it can be overwhelming unless you decide to be compassionate of yourself.
My dream began in Night School**, my classmates and I had been given a mission the week before to dismember a camera that was meant to take photographs and film of the dark side of the moon, supposedly to share with the public but who knows. (This dream happened in January and it seemed to me that this mission occurred in what we know of as the past). There was a celebratory air in our group that day and I remember that one of my teachers approached me about finally being able to meet my family. I had been asking to connect with my star family for quite some time at this point, and even though I was certain that I had been doing so I wasn't ever letting myself remember their faces or our conversations. Toward the end of the "dream" I was led down a hallway by my teacher and as I was turning another hallway and and entering into a room when I flung my arms up around my face and screamed in terror of what I would see. SHIT HAPPENS. This is the sweet part... I was immediately taken into another dream where I was being chased by a very angry, somewhat rabid, giant baby gorilla. It should have been terrifying being that this gorilla was out for my blood, but somehow I recognized that if this was a gorilla, something I am familiar with, I had the opportunity to outwit it. I ran like crazy setting traps that would capture the gorilla and of course we all know that gorillas are smarties so it escaped all of them. I finally found refuge in my neighbor's house from childhood (parallel timelines), this is another safe and familiar place for me. We were all convening on one side of the house and on the opposite side, where the bedrooms are, there was a little baby crying. For some reason the lights were out and the house was lit by candlelight and while everyone was speaking to one another I noticed that the baby was no longer crying. I peaked around the corner and against the far wall saw a shadow cast from the candlelight. It was the baby gorilla who had found his way into the home, found the baby and taken him from his crib. The gorilla began to approach the room where we were all sitting. Everyone was terrified for the baby that was being held in his arms. (My heart is literally racing as I write this because I remember the fear and intensity of the moment like it is unfolding now.) I detached from my fear and gave myself the permission to connect with this gorilla by looking directly into its eyes, reading its body language and sensing its energy. This is when I realized that the energy had shifted, not just his but mine as well. By allowing myself to connect to this animal, who was a dangerous beast just mere moments before, I could sense that it had become completely disarmed by the child. The beautiful, perfect and innocent child. As it approached nearer the room behind me fell silent, I stood blocking the hallway and as if I were allowing something else to move through me I walked up to the gorilla (who was suddenly much smaller) and the baby and I wrapped them both in an embrace. When I did this I felt an incredible sense of love not just flowing but surging through me and through them. I felt acceptance. I woke up immediately and recognized the overwhelming compassion that had been shown to me by taking me to this dream.
The gorilla was something quantifiable, the fear I experienced beforehand was really only fear of the unknown, but also a fear of somehow being a monster myself. The gorilla was a monster in the beginning of the dream until it was overtaken by its own childlike innocence (ahem!!!) and once that happened I was able to relate to it without the slightest fear because I recognized myself in it (AHEM!!!) and more importantly that we are all alive with the same stuff. Love stuff. Life Stuff.
It took me a couple of days to stop feeling embarrassed about my fear of meeting my family. But once the immenseness of their generosity of spirit in that lesson came though, I was able to accept that I should treat myself (and others) in kind. This is also a dream about the shadow aspects of ourselves, look how powerful we can become when we no longer feed our shadows but recognize them instead.
So the title of this post, don't hit snooze, stems from the idea that we should all continue to engage in the opportunities presenting themselves to us in our dreams rather than shut them off and relate to them "only as dreams". The more we understand that our dreams open our minds to broader realities, the more we can garner information that will help us connect with our higher selves and our situations with more clarity and inspiration. The world needs this right now. Consider participating without fear of the outcome or fear of the journey. None of it belongs to us anyway.
Happy Meteors, Meteors and People!
For more information of Starseed awakening, and Starseeds in general, please read the link below. I have recently had the pleasure of connecting with this amazing and beautiful Lightworker and am so excited to see where this connection will take us, and you.
**Night School is a place where many of us travel astrally during what is our resting state. Whether we are bilocating or dreaming is up for personally interpretation but in my experience when I accepted this phenomenon as bilocation I was able to wake up and not feel exhausted anymore. Before this realization I would wake up completely wiped out- like I literally had not slept and all I was doing was traveling for hours. Anyhow, it is a situation whereby you travel in an astral state to a classroom setting where you are taught new technology, expanded science and physics, or how to access the spirit realms and even how to move through timelines. And much more than this, to be honest.
33Don't forget the Mercury Retrograde in Leo and the Blue Moon! Lot's going on in August!
ReplyDeleteThe Mercury Retrograde was in my 10th house, the house of birth, death and regeneration. This house is ruled by Scorpio and I have Venus is Scorpio so this month had a lot to do with ego, jealousy and reincarnation for me. Super tough stuff. Each time that I experienced that void I went through some growing pains. They were definitely painful but I feel stronger because of it.33