My friend and I have been talking quite a lot about the time matrix. That time is not fixed or strict but a somewhat malleable tool for experiencing life. My guides tell me that our understanding of time is very limited and that the institution of time has been widely used against us as a tool for control. When we tap into the other dimensions we begin to realize just how much this rings true. We are able to sense our conscious presence in many different timelines, sometimes intersecting, sometimes alternating. Using this logic gifts from the past don't really come as a total surprise. One thing that I have been playing with is receiving gifts from the future. Namely I have been sending Reiki to my past using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.
A few weeks ago after a particularly stressful day I experienced a sudden jolt of Reiki while sitting at my desk. I looked around to see if anyone else was feeling anything similar. And then I thought, "who is sending me this gift?" I hadn't given anyone permission to send me Reiki whenever they wanted to. So that left me with only one possibility, I had sent it to myself from the future. Wowee. As soon as I realized this memories of receiving Reiki flashed across the screen of my mind. There was one time in particular a few years back when I was extremely ill from a tick bite. My husband, who was then my boyfriend, and I were laying in bed and I was burning up. I suddenly noticed that my breathing began to adjust and within a few moments of following my own breathing I received a surge of light throughout my entire being. It was a warm light that burned so brightly and vibrated so quickly that I actually began to tremble. It was as though the Reiki was moving to spots of my body where there was a concentration of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and when it arrived it broke apart the illness and I would convulse. Afterward I asked my husband if he had felt anything other than my body shaking, he told me his ears got very plugged.
There were also times in my childhood when I dealt with severe trauma that I can recall receiving Reiki from "out of nowhere". It's nice to know the providence of these things that are, after all, gifts from the divine. Welcome receptivity to your life and you will access the gifts you have always had that were waiting to be opened.
Live long and prosper,
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