Welcome to 2013, where shit's about to get real cray. Ha ha, just kidding maybe. Seriously, how exciting to be alive in the future now. :)
I want to share a few experiences that came my way on my road trip to Florida. First off, I left super late and drove into the night through roads in Virginia and North Carolina that didn't have street lights and without GPS. Before leaving my apartment in Brooklyn I wrote down directions on a piece of paper. Before the ride I gave the car a Sei Hei Ki Reiki treatment and called upon my guardians, ancestors and guides to hop on for a road trip.
While I was driving I kept seeing the image of a bow and arrow flash across the screen of my mind. This is one of the symbols present in depictions of the goddess Diana and Artemis, who are constantly with me these days- but I recognize too, for my whole life. Another download I received has to do with the cross. A cross, similar to celtic braiding that redirects or chokes energy, has a way of cutting off our lower three chakras from our upper 3 chakras by creating a "lid" with the use of a monolith. This is why many Christians are blind followers to an outmoded tradition that for all intents and purposes is based on actual accounts of a loving being who is no more divine than they are, but whose true story and origin has been obfuscated for reasons too boringly obtuse to discuss.
Let's dig deeper into this because I received a wealth of information about how using the cross and identifying with the cross literally gives most people that wear it a sort of "cross to bear" in terms of being cut off from unconditional love towards others and SELF (4th chakra), their authentic truth and creator power (5th chakra), their intuition and subsequent navigation (6th chakra) and their ability to truly connect with the divine and universal consciousness and ultimate highest self (7th Chakra). A realization that would likely cause an implosion of their outmoded and incomplete belief system based on their newfound ability to recognize the truth.
Now, I am not speaking against Christianity. I love Christ and many of you who know me know that Jesus Christ is one of my spirit guides and he was the being that helped me to understand and ground me through my awakening. But I am speaking against the holders of information who are using symbols and the language of light to lull the masses into a somnambulant state, without the hope of knowing how or why they got there. Worse yet, because the cross cuts of at the heart, there is also a subliminal patterning to be weary about touching, being touched or reaching- including asking for help. Promoting the sense of unworthiness, sound familiar? The worst kind of selfishness is selfish selflessness. The worst kind of humility is the one striving to be recognized, if you find yourself relating to either of these statements- it completely okay, there is probably some healing that you may benefit from, something you can do yourself. It also keeps many, not all, Christians trapped in the lower three chakras all the while holding tenets that suggest that indulging in the lower three chakra activities are actually damaging to your spiritual evolution and may bar you from heaven. Heaven is here and now, it exists within our hearts and within every inspired and kind act that takes place. Also, simultaneously while the symbol of the cross keeps us in our lower chakras the world around us, the world curated by the same handful of families who created the Catholic Church and who continue to drive the power structure (albeit they are really getting their butts kicked now) and who also own interests in most of the world's conglomerates, flood our world, our lives with images of more- more possessions, bigger houses, nicer cars, newer clothes, THINGS (3rd Chakra), with images of unbalanced sex and violence (2nd chakra) and through exploitation of our weaknesses create instability in the financial structures that constantly have us worrying over our "stability, home and jobs" (1st chakra). I believe that you can be an educated Christian. I also believe that OSHO wasn't an asshole just because he slept with a bunch of his students... this is the ultimate teaching in some senses. It's a kind of, "how free from your judgement are you actually?" ouchie lesson. But this sort of thing teaches us to stop placing so much of your wealth (your spirit and power) on others who are just as human as you are. Doing this also has a way of skirting our own personal responsibility, as when others fail we can place the onus of that failure on them and our disappointment on them rather than engaging with our true selves at all.
There were also moments on my drive where I felt lifted out of my body and I "spaced out" and when I would come back, it would be in time to get gas and I would be hundreds of miles forward on my trip than I was when I wasn't "spaced out". I guess that is what happens when you pack your car with angels.
The last thing that I want to share with you, and this became very evident to me, is the abuse from the light worker community for the cost of services. I have no problem with abundance, but some of the rates that people charge to do "healing" is actually injurious to those who need it most but cannot afford certain sums of money due to their circumstances. And especially when one is in a "my circumstances" place, completely cut off from their manifestation power- these are the people who will benefit most. Let me be clear, my guides did not say that energy healers, etc. should freely provide services but that it should truly be an equal exchange of energy. This is the way that the new energy paradigms should be practiced in order to establish and maintain equilibrium. I think that this is an important idea to truly consider from your heart. I know with one of my clients, who is also a dear dear friend, that I have decided to make our sessions more accessible to her by adjusting the rate of an hourly session to reflect whatever the average amount of hourly money she made that week is. She is in the service industry, so this fluctuates but in no way should that fluctuation bar her from receiving something that nurtures her evolution. An hour for hour, think about it.
Anyhow, I should run but I have so many other bits and pieces to share with you all and as always- whether on here or privately, I love hearing about your journeys.
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