Let me get to the point of this post because I would like to spend the majority of the day working on my book. The message I have been receiving and will transmit to you is centered around co-creation. In the second aspect of this channeling or instruction I will explain the activation I will be providing during upcoming retreats for 2013.
The first part of this download relates to my observation of trees on my walks here in Florida. During the shift over the last few weeks I've really begun to tune into the subtlety of tree ecosystems in the community where I am staying. I am not even talking about a group of trees either- I am referring to a single tree and all of its inhabitants. Or even more precisely- each aspect of the tree. Roots, trunk, bark, branches, twigs, leaves, and then the vines that curl around that tree- the moss that dangles from the leaves, the ants and squirrels, lizards and snakes. Each of these components represent a different aspect of the trees consciousness that makes the tree whole. As I zeroed in on this I began to communicate more clearly with the trees and their own divine microcosm. They mentioned to me that even the fact that I was there, as a passerby with an open heart, radiating my aura as I was walking down the street and observing the interaction, makes me a part of their ecosystem and a co-creator in their microcosm and vice-versa.
What the tree spirits explained to me is that each and every part of them exists for a specific purpose, even the bugs such as termites or butterflies and specific mosses that feed them and aid in their personal evolution (toward an ultimate shared evolution) are perfect and necessary beings. That without their roots they would be sure to topple and without their branches they would not possess sufficient shelter for the animals that they co-create with. Even the color and moisture density of the sky serves to empower the specific photosynthetic process that allows each tree to provide the precise nourishment that each inhabitant needs and that in turn the fodder created by the inhabitants creates a rich and diverse soil for the tree. They mentioned that even the funguses that grow on the leaves destroying some of the growth serves a divine mission. The trees say that we live in an inherently chaotic multi-verse... that patterns of creation, sustenance and destruction are evident throughout all of creation- from the most base (atomic particles) to the most convoluted (ego), but that as human beings living in an age of severe density we have not been taught how to observe our own individual microcosm with grace. We have not been taught how to harmonize all aspects of ourselves, and therefore many of us still participate in the illusion of good and evil/bad, wrong and right, light and darkness, us vs. them.
But then the trees explained to me that when we begin to observe our own ecosystem with grace and without judgement, we can create an effect of integration of all aspects of ourselves, and change our environment through this practice. For example, someone might think that it's "bad" to be cheap but when cheapness is integrated it becomes temperance. Same with judgement, when integrated it becomes discernment. On another level addiction can become appreciation, rage- creativity. So the basis is to NOT deny any aspect of ourself that clearly exists but to make peace with it and live with it, recognizing it as an instrument in the perfect music of this life. Even sometimes when you have a sharp tongue (ahem- both fingers pointed at me here) you might think that you are prone to hurt people by criticizing them too severely, but in actuality your words may be exactly what another person needs to hear in order to emancipate themselves from a harmful pattern- in order for them to begin harmonizing their ecosystem. We must trust that we are in any given situation carrying the exact tools we so happen to be carrying for an express outcome. There are very few accidents in this life, and even fewer once you begin to reclaim your knowledge. The universes, planets, elements and nature, a child, mineral kingdom, animals- us, we possess an innate integrity that was designed to interact harmoniously with itself. A joyful and playful game, a sensual dance but a subjective experience nonetheless.
That last part is particularly relevant and salient to our own ecosystem. Rather than being programmed to recognize and interact with our divinity as God or Source's creation, in many instances we have been misguided to believe that we are separate from all things. That the world around us exists outside of us, but truth be told the world that we live in exists within us first and from that place within us we begin projecting our consciousness around us and literally creating our environment. Suffering in impoverished countries is an unfortunate but clear example of this... being brought up in poverty or in slums, alongside gangs or starvation, being taken advantage of by your stewards, etc. it creates ripples in the energetic field and understanding that a human being has of the world. This understanding slowly becomes assimilated as the reality of their circumstances and this is why it is so often difficult for people who are engendered in that environment to break free from that environment. The sadness, violence and desperation becomes an ongoing projection of their knowledge of life. It's terribly sad but it can be shifted both in the most severe cases and the most subtle.
A more subtle example of this deals with the uncovering of healing modalities returning to Gaian consciousness at our present moment. And it's not just the healing, it's the recalling of ancient information as well. For example after the initial instruction I was taught how to harmonize my own ecosystem to live in dignity with myself and the universe. I was also taught how to activate this in other people. This in no way means we will be perfect, by the way, but that we will confront our imperfection with more compassion and acceptance- ask it was lesson we still need to learn- and then continue on our evolution gracefully and with gratitude. How beautiful, right? And this is not to say that chaotic things will stop happening in the world, but from your place of harmony you will have the humility to seek out what this chaos is teaching you. Anyhow, as I was saying before- I could try to talk some of you through what my guides have shown me to activate your own microcosm, but many of you will struggle. The struggle comes from the part of us that believes that power is something outside of us, that in order to be healed we must lean on someone else. This is often the case with emerging healing modalities and I suppose that as with many things (unless you have a fairly developed relationship with your higher Self) there is a bit of a learning curve. Relating back to the example of suffering, by virtue of thinking and understanding that we cannot do the activation ourselves- we create an environment where we cannot. The moment you say, "I can't do that" you're kind of a) letting yourself off the hook and b) denying your own perfection.
That's why my intuition leads me to introduce the microcosm activation within the retreat environment and workshops first. When experiencing new things and dealing with the cognitive dissonance that often arises in the breakdown of old paradigms, people get freaked out or stressed out. I don't want to feed that, I rather share in a safe environment where people are receptive enough on some level of their consciousness to just be there. My heart's hope is that within an intimate setting some of the programs that hold us back from owning our graceful and powerful creator presence will be shaken loose or harmonized during the activation. From that unified space, my dream is that the individuals who receive the activation will go out into their communities and began to share this activation with their loved ones and others. By integrating our own human microcosm with love, more and more healing modalities, activations and empowerments will reemerge. It's our birthright to use and share the tools of our heritage as spiritual beings. I can't wait to share this activation with people. And please, if you are in contact with your spirit guides and higher self and please just try it, you don't need my permission- this is not an original idea. Everything I Am belongs to God and comes from God- so it belongs to you as well. Let me know how it goes.
Love love love you,
really touching thoughts, makes me want to cry with relief in s happy way...thanks!
ReplyDeleteThank YOU! :)
DeleteThis reminds me of the moment the mountain declared its personhood to me. When it said "I AM A BEING" I saw all of the little rocks and bits that make up its whole. I think I was being taught at that moment to recognize the microcosm and microcosm of personhood. The big in the small.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to try this meditation soon. I will keep you posted. Thanks for sharing. And as always, what a great message with such a clear and poetic delivery.