Several weeks ago, I attended my first Shamanic Circle in New York City. It came to my attention that I had been practicing shamanism in various forms practically my entire life. For example, to deal with some of the tension I am facing in my current circumstances, I have made an almost daily practice of dancing. Dancing my heart out. Dancing my spirit. Dancing until it feels that I have become liberated and completely untethered.
Dancing is actually a key Shamanic Practice. It is used to dispel energy, to gather energy and as an offering to the great spirit and the four directions. The Shaman Circle was wonderful. There were so many different kinds of people there. I felt immense gratitude for the greatness and diversity of the group and for the key Shamans who held the space for us all to safely journey through the looking glass.
We were given three journeys that night. The first journey was to find our spirit animal and ask it to take us to the place where all of energy is created. The second was invite our spirit animal to show us what is holding us back from fully experiencing our joy. And the last was to journey with the Dolphins.
Each of my journeys was a miraculous gift of knowing myself. My sense indicates that I cannot share the first two journeys with you but I would like to share the third.

In my third journey I found myself in Central America. In one of those muddy, reddish rivers where the dolphins are white. I became very confused at the sight of this and was quickly carried out to sea. I was floating, completely alone, in a very large body of water. I was not above myself seeing down, nor was I below myself seeing up. I was rather in front of myself and inside of myself at the same time. All of the sudden, to the right of me a GIANT dolphin emerged. This dolphin was the size of a blue whale. I felt so small. It began to sing in that very beautiful and conversational way that dolphins do. As it sang the vibration of the sound moved throughout my body like lightwaves, creating a pleasurable and ticklish feeling. It sang like this for a minute or so until it finally let out it's final sound. Upon emitting that noise the noise itself transformed into 12 dolphins that encircled me. As they encircled me they began to use their flippers in a very forceful circular pattern, literally creating a beat with their flippers that was directed at me from all directions at once. This had the effect of a very high pressure massage but it was made of the element of air. It was somewhat pailful but I suspect the pain related more to the realization of the separation I had felt from the dolphins to that point. At some point the dolphins decided to use the same methods but with there tales. Flapping their tales in a synchronized way and surrounding me with the incredible air energy. It felt like freedom. Our interaction continued like this for another few moments until I reached such a pitch of joy that I literally burst out of my human body and became a dolphin. When I became a dolphin I noticed that I had split into a smaller pod of dolphins and we were happily swimming together through warm, clear waters jumping and bounding. It felt absolutely wonderful.
At one point while jumping I realized that we were very close to a shoreline where I could see the bodies of four individuals. I looked at the sky and their were shooting stars all over the place. It was beautiful. My pod and I drew closer and closer to the shoreline until I realized that upon that shoreline, I was looking at my 19 year old self. And in fact, I was.
When I was 19, my friend and our two boyfriends went and camped out on the Sanibel Causeway during a meteor shower. It was incredibly beautiful. As the sun was rising and everyone else was falling asleep, I stayed up to watch the sky become full of the vibrant pinks and oranges and purples of the Gulf Coast. I could still see meteor zipping across the sky. And as I thought I might doze off, the most incredible thing happened. A pod of dolphins approached the shore by where we were sleeping and began jumping out of the water. An immense gratitude washed over me and brought tears to my eyes. I felt that I was receiving a spectacular spiritual gift. I felt so drawn to those dolphins and that they loved me.
A similar wave of gratitude overcame me during that last journey. To see my self come full circle as a being willing to explore so many expression of creation and love... I am getting to know myself better each and every day.
Be kind on your journeys,
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