I hope you are all well. We survived the storm here in Brooklyn and are getting ready for another quiet day off. I am going to post some more later but I wanted to share a message that I just received with you. Many of you know that I work with the Archangels a lot. I also work with my guides and the Ascended Masters and sometimes with the Galactics and Elementals... the usual- and it's available to all of us if-we-just-ask. This is the basis of my message to you right now. Ask for help but also be prepared to receive it. We live in a world of possibility and so much of what we allow ourselves to do is what we are told we can do. Few of us really think to venture outside of the rule program and create new possibilities, fewer of us think to do this with any serious conviction.
So here goes: Tell yourself you can do it, believe you can do it... be grateful that it's done. Watch as the miracles of your own manifestation unfold.
I am not saying that you are going to manifest a million dollars in your bank account, where we're going we won't need money anyhow. Money is an abstract concept meant to keep us in the frequency of the 3rd dimension and the polarity matrix. Start small... ask for signs and ask for your heart to be humbled and receptive to the gifts that you have created so that you can RECOGNIZE THE MIRACLES before you. LOL.
Love yourself and be super kind to one another.
More later,
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