Good Morning!
I am sitting in my apartment in Brooklyn with the windows cracked listening to music and enjoying the crisp Autumn air. Tomorrow we are supposed to be hit by a major storm, some call it the "Frankenstorm", and to be quite honest I am very happy for it. I have been calling this storm for a couple of weeks, nice to know that it's finally picking up.
We don't understand human life. There was a point in time in this blog where I wouldn't have outright made statements such as these, but the circumstances have changed and I have been called into more direct action. The more of us who are awake and aware right now, the better. The more that we can help others awaken from their sedated sleep program, the better.
We are taught to fear death from the moment we are old enough to have the capacity to learn fear. Note that a child is not born into this world with the emotion of fear present in its emotional lexicon. The child learns fear through observation, a concerned parent overreacting to what could have been a potential accident for the child- perhaps.
It's okay to die. Before we are born we are fully cognizant of more or less the life we will have and when we will have the opportunity to leave that life. It's more of a conscious decision than a sign on the dotted line dynamic... What's less of a decision is how we leave, which is why tragic deaths are so jarring to most people. Somewhere in our minds we know that what we in essence are lives forever... so not remembering that we sub or unconsciously remember this fact, totally blows our minds when we lose someone.
What aggravates our fear of death is the fear of death programming that is engendered to us through popular media, art, books and music. Oh, and religion. Religiosity is one of the cardinal offenders in the fear of death programming... not only is the scope of your life something beyond your control, but what happens in the afterlife- or worse, there IS NO afterlife, is completely not up to us to direct. Maybe we can even be punished for the ignorance we lived with. What a load of lies that make us feel helpless and insignificant.
We can control things. We can change things. We can chose our own adventure.
So cycling back to the Hurricane Sandy, someone told me that 27 people in the Caribbean have died in association with this hurricane. I am not going to lie, that is sad. It is sad when we people leave this physicality, but they don't actually leave us. They move to a place that is everywhere and beyond our comprehension and reasoning when working within the 3 dimensional mind matrix. This begins to change as you develop your intuition more and more and you open yourself to a spiritual life. You are going in that direction anyway and it's where we will all end up, so just know that it is available for you beginning NOW. A Spiritual life opens up the context on a lot of situations. Your experiences suddenly become less of a huge deal, not that you don't trip up, stop having bad days of freak outs or stop feeling. But usually when you interact with those emotions it becomes easier to let them go, after all in the grand scale of things none of it belongs to you truly so there is absolutely no reason to hold onto it. So yes, we must send love and compassion to the families and friends who have lost their loved ones, but we must also move on and understand this in the larger sense. Moments of intense emotion usually serve to remind us that we are alive, of the delicate nature of humanness, of the fleeting and lovely and delightful nature of existing in this reality where we are capable of feeling so many gifts, even our own sadness or loss. It means we love.
Most of you know that I am no stranger to chaos. Chaos as an extension of the cyclical nature of life. Something that must be destroyed to make room for something else can come to pass, to remind us that life in this multiverse is not static. Nature teaches this to us all of the time. If I look out of my window I can presently see the suicide of leaves from tree branches. It's fall. They will grow back, slightly differently- but with the same innate perfection, in the spring.
Both spring and fall are replete with brilliant colors. This is why there is an upwelling of emotion in our human language to describe the arrival of these two seasons. We understand* the significance of death and rebirth as a passage of life. Moreover, I intuit that the brilliant colors of these seasons activate us on a subconscious level to remember the divine vibrancy of life in the cosmos where even the blackness of space reverberates with the prismatic harmonics of love its completeness.
Lately I have been expressing to some friends and teachers that my experience of earth is shifting. Also, that my experience of people is shifting. There are moments when I am walking down the street and I don't feel like it is anywhere that I have ever been before. Everything seems healthier and more vibrant. The people seem more joyful and complete. What does this mean? I suspect it means that in some ways I have ascended already. That I am seeing through the veils of reality and am no longer bound by what is available in the third dimension. But I am back and forth. Clearly I want to be in the 3rd dimension and I have work to do here that I signed up for.
Because I am negotiating how to keep my life in balance right now I haven't been writing to you all as much as I should or even want to. In fact, I have full on been ignoring some of the downloads I have been getting about messages I should share because I am so worn out at the end of the day. Ignoring these messages is completely counter intuitive since the result of ignoring my downloads is a night full of tossing and turning and not sleeping a wink. Suffice it to say I have learned my lesson.
Anyhow I had a download this week regarding an earlier download that I shared with you all about how in order to change the world and your own vibrations and understanding of the world, that you must begin living in your idea of the perfect world. Anchoring that divinity in the center of your heart and living in the gratitude of its existence. What this does as a practice is that it opens your perception to an expanded reality and understanding of dimensions: read you open a portal within yourself by practicing this sacred gratitude that allows you to travel within dimensions and possibilities. Including the 5th dimension, including 5th dimensional earth through the activation of your fifth dimensional self. In activation I mean, realization- since this 5th dimensional self has always existed and is not bound by these same space/time matrix that we experience in 3-D reality, all you are doing is recognizing that it is there.
The most astounding part of visiting 5-D earth is the brilliant colors. Today I heard an astronaut speak about watching the sunrise on earth from space. He said that he was absolutely dazzled by the spectrum and quality of greens and blues and pastel unlike he'd ever seen.
In a few weeks I intend on holding an event that will help us all activate the 5th dimensional self and tap into the 5-dimnisional earth space. As always, ask for help when you are doing this. We live in a world that is completely abundant with all forms of life, and especially now as we gather steam toward this transition- there are beings just waiting for us to ask for help. My suggestion is to tap into the Lemurian and Atlantean energy as well as the assistance of your particular guides or guardian angels. The celestials are also available and so knowledgable as ever, the elementals. We live in a magical world, know that in your heart and go to it.
Travel in gratitude.
I love you,