Sunday, November 25, 2012

Polishing the Mirror of Self

Like many people on the Eastern Seaboard of the US, I awoke at 6am on November 22 and though bleary eyed, I held the intention of joining the mass meditation/clearing for earth.  My particular focus this day was to flood Israel and Palestine with light.

At the beginning of the practice I kept coming in and out of visions of walking through the streets of Jerusalem. I saw that people were afraid there, that they were injured.  I sent healing to those people as I continued to walk through those streets and alleyways. I saw soldiers lining the streets of Israel and I sent love to them, directing them toward the power of their own childhood innocence. I noticed almost immediately that there were others around me who were also doing similar work, some of them were human, some where not.  There was an incredible focus on clearing this stagnant energy. I found myself floating above Israel and Palestine looking at the desert.  I came in and out of complete stillness. The next moment I was in a dark room with a bunch of shadow figures that were surrounding human beings.  I instinctually began to tear at the shadows ripping them to pieces with the power of deep focus and protective peace.  Within the bodies of the men in the room, there were also tendrils of shadowy presences or dark spots that I also began to rip from their bodies-relentlessly pulling cords from their stomachs and spines.  Simultaneously there was a presence of healing entering the room and sort of holding the new them together as myself and some others were tearing the old them apart.  I found myself floating over the earth again and then I was on the floor, it was dusty and dirty and angry and exhausted. I realized that the energy of war cultivated by private interest and industry in this region of the world over several millennia had served to injure Gaia's aura.  I knew that she too would need healing.  I connected myself to Gaia's core and then to the sun and the galactic center, I envisioned a grid around the earth that was being activated and worked on by a legion of beings.  I began to focus so intently on this grid allowing universal light to pour through me into the space, the dirt, the ground- the particles of dust that had been traumatized by violent energy and repression until I felt three very powerful pink explosions. They resembled a nuclear bomb but had a contrary effect.  An effect of creation, of stillness, of untangling. At first the explosions occurred as though they were moving through me but then I also saw them happening from space. They served to empower the peace grid that has been encircling this planet to provide divine healing and harmonics and which is a beautiful example of the types of collaboration we will be seeing more of as our human species evolves and accepts ascension and our greater galactic heritage.

After the third explosion I found myself right back in my body in my bed in Brooklyn with my dog, ever my guardian, at my feet.  I took the extra time to ground myself well since this is only the second time that I consciously participated in this type of mission.

In the days after this healing many of my own issues with anger and frustration and even boredom have surfaced.  Similar to my experience with Reiki, I found that moving so much energy has a way of bringing any unresolved issues to the surface.  Rather than muting them, I let them live a little and maybe get the best of me.  In my awareness of this dynamic I won't beat myself up.  Being overly critical of my poor behavior is something the old me would do in the old way of thinking in the old way of being in the old world that no longer works for almost anyone. I feel genuine remorse for my behavior while at once being singularly grateful for my humanness. It's providing me with the opportunity to look at myself honestly, to see my reflection and polish myself. The beauty and grace of life is that  I don't have to bring these behaviors with me now that I am cognizant of their ability to be destructive to good things. Things that grow and things that nourish me.  What this experience provided me with is the opportunity to recognize that I still hadn't let these things go. And now I will. And I am so humbled and grateful to be trusted by so many people and by the earth and the elements and God to share these moments and experiences and memories with you all, even my weak ones.

Whatever is coming up for you right now, know that you are not alone. And ESPECIALLY those who have been doing clearing work for several months or years... do not feel defeated by these flare ups... do not feel that you have failed in your dedication- that is exactly what your ego will want you to think and feel to ensnarl you in your old way of being... that person is dead and whatever is surfacing now is just your higher self beckoning you to recognize that it needs more space in your bodies if it is going to anchor itself within your physicality at this moment in time.  REMEMBER THIS AGREEMENT and meet your challenges with joy... you are succeeding in your invaluable service of love to humanity and to the earth.  Our star families and inter dimensional families are so very happy for us. You are loved so completely. Swell in that love and allow it to sustain you.

Fear not.  Rejoice.

In radiant gratitude,

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