Friday, November 30, 2012


This morning I awoke with a sense of home within me. It's been a rough few months and I have found myself negotiating all of the new knowledge that is imparted to me from my guides- and probably awakening from within my cells and DNA, and the actual interaction with 3rd dimensional reality.

I have the same worries that many people do.  I worry if I am doing well at work, I worry about paying all of my bills, about whether I will have time to see the people I love and not drown in the minutia of life, I worry if I will see a good night's rest... but then there is another side of that.  It is not another experience entirely but an aspect of the same essence.  I know of another life, I feel it and hear it and taste it and live it. I am reunited with it whenever I set my intention to receive it.

My entire life I have felt that I have two homes. I have the home I visit in my dreams and meditation, the one where I see my families and my friends and my allies and teachers.  In this home I am unbound. I am the person, the being, that I have always understood myself to be. This is the home where when I see people and they say to me, "Hey, you were in my dream," and I know that yes- they did see me and that they also saw where the more complete me lives.  The one that has no problems traveling in and out of my dreams or anyone else's or different time frames or possibilities or even planets and universes.  Sounds outlandish- but if you are reading this blog then I trust it is because you are experiencing very similar phenomenon.  When my guides began encouraging me to write about my experiences they assured me that they would help bring people who could benefit from this information to me.  In terms of physics- I suppose that makes sense.  The frequencies find themselves, resonant energies of like and like tend to move toward themselves to create harmonics.  Magic happens in harmonics and I would like to talk about that and how to use harmonics to cultivate telepathy- but not in this post.

My other home is on earth with all of YOU who have chosen to be here at this time (THANK YOU!) and some of you who have been trapped within the cycles of re-incarnation due to what David Icke refers to as the schism.  (As a side note I just realized that David Icke posted the video on the link on my birthday... synchronistic much?)  Anyhow, I have had a fairly difficult time feeling at home on earth for most of my life.  I should mention that this is not because of my connection or lack of connection to earth which has often been my saving grace, but because I have had a terribly difficult time understanding people and their actions.  Evil has been completely obtuse and misguided to me and pettiness has been confounding.

Growing up I used to get in a lot of fights with my girlfriends... my Dad told me that the connection in every case was me, so it had to be something that I was (or wasn't) doing- which totally hurt my feelings at the time. It wasn't until I was older and I had re-built my self-esteem that I realized that he was right, I had the same (or very similar) drama with women and some men over and over again throughout my life.  But I also realized it is because on a fundamental level I JUST DIDN'T UNDERSTAND and I didn't want to play the game or interface with them in a programmed way.  So I was always left feeling kind of stupefied and hurt while at the same time being kind of okay with not behaving in a reductionist way. I learned to be okay with being alone. Sufficed to say that I want to be friends with people. The older I get the more I realize how valuable the human connection is for us to truly understand why earth chose us. I have made such profound peace with the earth and with people. I stopped believing that I didn't come from here- which is a pretty symptomatic belief for many Starseeds, but also one that bars us from connecting with our mission.

It's not that we have to "give up" the belief that we are from somewhere else- but we have to evolve beyond the polarity of this thought to recognize that we chose to come here and really be here AND the earth trusted us and agreed to let us help her. That is why we look like human beings (some of us more than others ;)) and we are composed of the same basic elements as the earth and we suffer the illnesses and defeats and glories that human beings do. It's the whole package. Coming from  a place of dominion with the earth we can do our work in a more grounded way, after all we have her consent as well as the universe's.  Lately in meditation I like to visualize an earth in each one of my chakras. I receive the most beautiful sensation of abundant gratitude when I do this. Yummy!

Anyhow this morning I had the realization that I do not have two homes.  That my body is my home, that my body is my home, that my body is my home. I carry the lineage of all of the lives I have ever lived, the wisdom of each planet, the generosity of all beings and the vulnerability of life, the strength of every star in the sky, every universe and color, all that I Am within this body.  And I accept to activate the pre-agreements that I made before coming into this life in order to my work.  Your body is your home too. Some people are pretty die hard about food and substances and exercise and blah blah blah- but again, this is 3rd dimensional way of thinking and when we disempower our food with our thoughts- we transform it. When we bless our food and we thank our food we recognize its own innate holiness and activate the gratitude within its cellular structure, try this for two weeks and you will notice a difference. The same goes for your body- use this to relate to your own vehicle and see what happens.

So I have to get moving but the reason that I want to share this post about home with you, one that I find to be exceedingly personal, is because of synchronicity. The other day on my way into the city I heard a man singing and playing guitar on my train platform. He was super good. I recorded some of it and I even bought the CD. I like the CD but the song the young man was singing when I saw him was the one I really wanted to hear. So after a little internal nudging I visited their website and one of the first things I saw was this song called, "Home". You all know how I love to be led by my intuition but this was particularly fruitful. So let's be thankful to the music.  :)

In beauty and peace,


  1. Love this post! Yes, we are not only apart of Gaia, we ARE Gaia! There really is no separation. It's quite comforting. We did a meditation in kundalini last night about "domain". It was working on the root chakras to give one a sense of ownership over the place they occupy in space. You have a right to be here and be heard. It was very powerful affirming and grounding.
