I hope you are all doing well. It's been a difficult and transitional time for a lot of us. I know that many of us are struggling with our inner shadows and that the manner in which that manifests for each of us, while a direct reflection of our own consciousness, is challenging nonetheless. Much has happened since the last water healing that I performed on the full moon. I am not sure if I have shared with you yet what the technique I used is but I will in an upcoming posting. I also get the sense that I am supposed to wait until I have completed the 3rd one and let the dust settle from that experience before I begin to teach the technique. This technique, along with the one that I will explain later comes from my intuition. While I have studied some healing much of what I have been sharing with you in recent time comes through directly form work with my guide and higher self, my dreamwork and journeying and meditation. What I am trying to say is that we all have access to divine intelligence. Just because you've never heard of someone else doing what you're doing (or what you've been guided to do) doesn't mean it's not real. I can't stress enough the importance that you not only continue developing your intuitive world but anchor it into your daily living and share it with others. We are quite literally like puzzle pieces, alone we can be aware of what the larger puzzle might be but it's not until we begin finding other pieces and trying out different collaborations and codes with our shapes (knowledge/contribution) that we begin to really tap into the larger whole.
This is going to be a long one so hold onto your hat. :)
On a weekly basis or biweekly basis I have been "hanging out" virtually with my girlfriends. These are more or less the same girlfriends who I would spend a Friday night with anyway ad we all figured why not continue our tradition even if I am not physically in New York. The reason we do this is because these days we are all growing exponentially more quickly than we have ever been aware of before, it helps us to check in and share our new developments, experiences and understandings. Needless to say that sometimes putting the information together between us provides us with those "Aha...!!!" moments that I described above. Communities are important. Anyhow before we began the hangout this week I was meditating and I saw the being known as Saint Germain appear to me. He'd appeared to me in dreams several times throughout the week, not as Saint Germain but as Merlin. He's also come to me as a poet. Ascended Masters take on many embodiments, sometimes simultaneously with others- human or other wise. They also live longer than we do because in their Ascension they have moved beyond the need to die in the same way that we do, to wither and age in the way that human consciousness expects to and therefore does. Anyhow, Saint Germain appeared to me before the conversation and though I was not completely clear on what the lesson was I had the distinct impression that he kissed me. However I have been going through some cosmic vertigo of my own and last night I decided to take the night off and just do something "normal". I decided to rent a movie called Hotel Transylvania and as I was reading about the movie I received a message about how the being known as Dracula IS an aspect of Saint Germain. So naturally I begin to research this- I linked above to one of the many articles that corroborate a similar story both historically and from other people who have taken on Saint Germain as a teacher as well. The thing is that despite St Germain being hundreds of years old he continued to appear as a man between the age of 40-50, also St Germain didn't eat food despite being invited to many dinner with various distinguished historical figures. It is thought that he had mastered the art of alchemy to the extent that didn't need to eat because he could literally absorb the the energy flowing through the air in between all things. Could you imagine? It makes sense if we consider that all matter has its own consciousness/energy- even our limited earth science has been able to determine this law of physics as fact. So imagine then the subtle possibility that we can harness nourishment from the energy of the constantly moving around around is in all things. This phenomenon is beginning to reemerge and is known as Breatharianism. It is also said that when the ancient chi gong masters went on their long journeys and rations began to dwindle, they would engage in an ancient activity that involved harnessing the energy of the stars and drawing it into their bodies for nourishment. They ATE STARS!
From the outside it would in fact appear that someone who didn't need food and who didn't age would easily be construed as what we have commonly come to accept as a vampire. But as with many words in our language, we must explore the root meaning of the word and often in the oldest dictionary we can get our hands on in order to unearth the true meaning of the word. So many words in our language have been purposely programmed to mean the opposite of what they actually mean. Take for instance the word demon or in its original form daemon which literally means "(in ancient Greek belief) a divinity or supernatural being of a nature between gods and humans or an inner or attendant spirit or inspiring force." This was the commonly accepted spelling and use of the work until the 19th century which begs the question regarding what was going on politically and religiously at that time... but I digress. It's important to know the root meaning of the words that you speak because even if others around you are still using the incorrect meaning of the word (because they are literally spelled- aha- where does the word spell come from and why is it that so many of the words that are meant to be scary, like demon, mispelled from their original form, like daemon) you can break through the spell and live in truth.
So, I have been feeling low and as Saint Germain appeared to me it seemed that he kissed me.
Our guides often kiss us and in fact, they often provide for us whatever we perceive we are lacking. This kiss not only felt like comfort but is was also an initiation. Back to Hotel Transylvania, I thought it was adorable the the little bats became a violet light before becoming a vampire, coincidence much? I'll let you decide.
After the movie I decided to connect with St. Germain on a deeper level. I wanted to know him better and I wanted to receive his teachings more clearly. So for the first few hours of my sleep time I was in a very intense night schooling. I was being given information so rapidly that I could not remember what was being said to me. I do however remember that I was being shown how to use the planets, stars, sun and moon to transmute, transform and alchemize for healing, attuning and manifestation.
The thing is that when I awoke this morning, I was still feeling terrible sadness. It was so bad that my third and fourth chakras physically hurt in my body. I intended on going to Yoga but I felt so aweful that I couldn't. Instead I decided to go outside and meditate. Along with me I took my iceland spar and a selenite wand and went through the traditional Kriya Techniques that I use to center and balance myself. I was feeling pretty aweful so I busted out some other ones as well. And then out of no where, my hand began to move into the shapes of different mudras and I felt my own kundalini energy moving along with my hands. I stopped at each chakra to pay attention to what was inside and do clearing- whether cutting or pulling cords or redirecting the energy flow. I drew in energy from the sun to help me pull out what was no longer serving me. I found that my hands understood exactly how they needed to move and where they needed to stop to diperse, unblock or redirect. I continued this method all the way until my crown chakra. And then I meditated for a bit in absolutel stillness and freedom. The pain that had been in my heart center and manipura chakra had vanished. After a while I decided to reground my energy using the same method but amplifying the use of the sun. I physically began to draw the suns energy toward my body, much as one would pull a rope toward their body and allowed it to gather in the palms of my hands. I began with my aura letting the sun energy become grounded in my aura (with my eyes closed this looked like rainbows) and then funneled it into each chakra using my hands and the mudras that had come to me moments before. I knew that it was time to move on from each chakra when I found a sun glowing within each one of them. After doing this my intuition was to stand up and with cupped hands tap or slap my body. The practice was very invigorating and healing. I feel much better and am thankful for that.
I realize that this alchemical healing, though I didn't know it, was what was taught to me last night by St Germain and since my conscious mind couldn't remember it- my higher self took over by way of physically moving my hands and using mudras to draw my consciousness upward, to dispell harmful presences and to physically gather the sun's energy. Seriously amazing stuff and I encourage you all to try.
A lot is coming in for me right now and for the last month or so, a little frustrating since it's taking away from my book writing mind but I think I will just surrender. This information that I am sharing with you guys is really important to spread and utilize. We belong to each other and to no thing and there are so many ways of tapping into this integration that are emerging. Surrender to your fears, your strengths and weaknesses, to your desire for more and better, to your urges and your wisdom. This will look different to each of us. Love yourself and love your fears and don't be afraid to move, sing, dance, dream, scream, cry, eat cake... don't be afraid to know that you are creating. You are creating with every fear, every joy, each and every action and I trust you to create a radiantly beautiful and peaceful world for yourself, for me and for all of us.
All my love,
Love this post. It is amazing how much we can heal ourselves, both physically and emotionally. Light is such a powerful tool in this way. I've spoken a lot about how a relationship with thr moon taught me so much about myself, others and the universe.
ReplyDeleteAlso what I find so curious is how much "children's" movies teach us about occult knowledge. I saw "How to train a dragon" and "Brave" recently and was blown away by how much "hidden knowledge" was laid out, hidden in plain sight, if you will.
Thank you got sharing your powerful healing story.