During my morning walk today I was thinking about my brother. The same brother that I have written about on this blog and who I consciously recall sharing past lives with. The thing is that my brother is in the hospital, he hasn't been feeling well and so far the doctors he's seen have not been able to identify what is going on with him. They think it may be lymphoma because of deformities in his platelettes and high white count. I know that I wrote to you about the "cosmic flu" that often accompanies our awakenings, but the degree to which we experience this illness is unfortunately directly correlated to the degree in which we are resisting our awakening. For me, it was the presence of cancer in my body last year. Despite that I had done so much work the years before that, after having been diagnosed with a rare tick born illness, there were still patterns that were injuring my evolution- patterns that I would have to release and send healing to, but most importantly patterns that I had to admit to having in the first place. My ego did NOT want to do this. Surrendering to my imperfection has saved my life.
SO many of us have a choice, and we get to a place where that choice corners us into choosing. I love my brother so much and this is in no way a criticism of where he is on his path. I truly believe that all of our choices are valid and necessary... but I truly, truly, selfishly and humanly hope that he surrenders.
When he was first admitted to the hospital the other day I spent much of the day sending healing to him. At some point I traveled deep inside of his being, and walked through his blood vessels and cells. I appealed to the beings of his physical manifestation and I noticed that there were two distinctly different beings present. One of them was fear- a somewhat deformed and fidgety deva, and the other was grace- a clear a structurally sound being. I exchanged energy and information with both of them and understood that they were both there based on his freewill. I respectfully left them.
This morning on my walk I was thinking about this interaction and I was also looking at flowers. Somewhere in the land of spirit I saw my brother laying in a field bathed in golden sunlight. I was standing beside him and pouring flower petals over his body. There were possibly millions of flower petals from thousands of different species of flora. The earth was so generous when she created so many different resources to heal us and enrich our lives. Despite knowing that the gravity of this illness is largely contingent on my brother's decisions (un, sub and conscious), I still felt compelled to send this healing to him.
As I was doing so however, the flowers began to speak to me. I have spoken before about how I enjoy working with flower essences and that they have a strong impact on me but what the flowers, fairies and devas of flowers told me is that ever since the shift, and because so many of us have awakened, we can now consciously begin travel to this field again. Each of our souls has its own garden where all of the plant medicine we will ever need is available to us. They said that it is still valuable to work with flower essences, plants and crystals for that matter, especially because many of us are not yet at a point where we can maintain our energetic composure long enough to access the frequency it takes to travel there. But that we should become consciously aware that our soul's garden exists and attempt to calibrate to that field. They also mentioned that as we begin to maintain our frequency enough to connect this field that we will be able to invoke the qualities of any flora or fauna in our field to become present in waking life and communicate to the energetic field of a situation or person through our voice. This makes sense since prana travels on the breath.
I also got the distinct impression that they healing resources that are available in your soul's garden will become increasingly more useful as humanity comes into their role more as inherently spiritual beings, and that the manifestation of soul healing instruments into our dimensionality will be almost instantaneous by a measure of our mind.
So... coming attractions are looking good. Please try and access this field and let me know how it goes. Personally I think this is spectacular because many people don't afford flower essences and plant medicine, some can't find it in their communities.
Anyhow, I love you all and sorry that I haven't been blogging too much but I am working on my book and taking care of myself.
Travel in peace and joy,